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Talk:Add a wiki

From Wikitech
Latest comment: 2 months ago by Tim Starling (WMF) in topic Explanation of December 2024 changes

Explanation of December 2024 changes

The new addWiki.php after T352113 is run after a wiki is configured, so a few things moved around.

Also, I'm trying to make the install stage as simple as possible, so I moved some things to the pre-install stage. In my view, the process should be first to get all your ducks in a line, doing things like uploading Gerrit changes and getting them reviewed, and then the install step should be as simple as pressing a button.

Amir tells me that things like namespace configuration are usually done post-install these days, so I split some things out to an optional configuration section.

The page was very long, so I removed some things that are definitely not needed.


  • Documented MediaWiki config preparation as a pre-install step. Actually deploying the configuration is the install step.
  • Split optional configuration into its own section.
  • Removed the requirement to check language configuration even when adding a new language.
  • Moved addWiki.php to after initial configuration deployment.
  • Run addWiki.php via k8s instead of on a deployment server.
  • Removed no-op Parsoid and Swift sections.
  • Removed Search section, now integrated with addWiki.php
  • Moved WikimediaMessages and RESTBase to pre-install. Any configuration change that is harmless if deployed early, and harmful if deployed too late, should be deployed early.
  • Trimmed Wikidata documentation and moved it from post-install to install. This is one of the few things that really needs to be simultaneous with installation.

Tim Starling (WMF) (talk) 04:59, 6 December 2024 (UTC)Reply