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Storm control

From Wikitech

What is Storm control?

Storm means excessive broadcast, multicast or unicast traffic received on a particular interface in 1 second. Storm control on the other hand is the mechanism put in place to monitor and take actions such as to drop or shut down the interface when the storm control level is exceeded.

How to setup Storm control?

Right now, the goal is to run Storm control on both main management switches in codfw and eqiad (msw1-codfw and msw1-eqiad).

To setup Storm control the first step is to create a storm control profile with the name wmf-mgmt-storm and setup the bandwidth-level of 15000kbps. Next create an interface range called mgmt-switches and to finish, assign members to that interface range and apply the storm control profile.

Create the storm control profile

set storm-control-profiles wmf-mgmt-storm all bandwidth-level 15000kbps

Create the interface range

set interfaces interface-range mgmt-switches unit 0 family ethernet-switching storm-control wmf-mgmt-storm

Add members to the interface-range

set interfaces interface-range mgmt-switches member-range ge-0/0/0 to ge-0/0/31

Add action-shutdown

edit forwarding-options storm-control-profiles wmf-mgmt-storm
set action-shutdown

View traffic statistics

Pick two interfaces from the interface range ge-/0/0/0 to ge-/0/0/31 and in operational mode issue the command

show interface interface_name detail 

We are going to just focus on the line that says "Input bytes"

For this example, we are going to use ge-0/0/1 and ge-0/0/16

show interfaces ge-0/0/1 detail
Traffic statistics:
  Input  bytes  :           8698005972                  560 bps
show interfaces ge-0/0/16 detail
Traffic statistics:
  Input  bytes  :          16074924932                 1392 bps

We can see that the ingress traffic rate in bits per second for both interface is within the storm control limit of 15,000 Kbps (15000000 bps)

Restore the interfaces after a shutdown