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Search Platform/Contact

From Wikitech

The canonical version of this page is on OfficeWiki, please report all edits there.

Which channels to use to contact the team

  • Urgent requests, breakage: #wikimedia-search connect
  • Simple questions, quick synchronous conversations: #wikimedia-search connect
  • Longer questions, request for help / clarification: discovery mailing list
  • Requests for help / work from the team: phab task, tagged with "Discovery-Search" or "Wikidata-Query-Service" (TBD: add link to "make a request")

Communication channels

Mailing lists

mail:discovery—A public mailing list about the Wikimedia Search Platform team and projects (formerly Discovery Department). Examples of topics would include:

  • Announcements, including major upcoming initiatives, completed major releases, quarterly or annual plans, requests for feedback or input
  • Technical discussions and brainstorming regarding our work:
    • Search, Elastic, Cirrus, the Relevance Forge, and other relevant subjects
    • Our dashboards or related analysis
  • Other team news, such as changes to team structure, significant changes to processes, changes in how we use phabricator or other tools like gerrit

The Search Platform team is also active and watching the following lists:


Phabricator tasks tagged with either "Discovery-Search" or with "Wikidata-Query-Service" will be triaged every Monday.

IRC channels

#wikimedia-search connect

Office Hours

The Search Platform Team usually holds office hours on the first Wednesday of each month. Come talk to us about anything related to Wikimedia search!

Weekly status updates

See Search Platform/Weekly Updates.

Meetup groups