Recover instance from NFS
This page may be outdated or contain incorrect details. Please update it if you can.
Needs to be checked against current NFS config needs now that NFS is off by default. Also needs to move into the Help namespace (or be merged into an existing page there) and leave a redirect.
Disable per-instance
Note: This procedure disables NFS, which means the contents of /home, /data/project, /public/dumps and /data/scratch will disappear. We can recover them later if you would like.
- Go to your instance's Hiera page. This is at
. - Add the line:
mount_nfs: false
- ssh to your instance, and just unmount all the NFS mounts!
- You should also check
for old NFS mounts that will return on reboot if you do not remove them. Puppet does not remove existing lines from fstab for you.
Enable per-instance
- Go to your instance's Hiera page. This is at
. - Add the line:
mount_nfs: true
- Force a puppet run:
sudo -i puppet agent --test --verbose