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From Wikitech

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of social sharing and other similar efforts for Wikimedia projects, a parameter "wprov" can be appended to URLs on a case-by-case basis. This page exists to keep track of reserved values.

The value of this parameter will be recorded in the X-Analytics field of the webrequest table (as x_analytics_map['wprov']). Requests with different "wprov" values will not be cached separately (as it would be the case with other, arbitrary parameter names), thus avoiding cache fragmentation.

The wprov parameter is dropped when a user is redirected to the mobile version of a site (T252227).

Description of wprov parameter

The format of the parameter name is ?wprov=<3_char_feature><platform_one_char><major_version_of_feature_uint>.

See the Analytics mailing list thread and Phabricator task T90606 for further background.

Currently reserved values

  • acww1 Used to track mw:Extension:ArticleCreationWorkflow
  • iwsw1: Interwiki Search web, feature version 1. Queries that have been chosen to participate in the interwiki search test will have wprov=iwsw1 for any cross wiki search results. This is limited to "inline" search results, and not the sidebar as used in itwiki.
  • mfsw1: Share beta feature in MobileFrontend [no longer active]
  • nrvf1: New Readers video in Hindi distribution on Facebook
  • nrvf2: New Readers video in Spanish distribution on Facebook
  • nrvi1: New Readers video in Hindi distribution on Instagram
  • nrvi2: New Readers video in Spanish distribution on Instagram
  • nrvt1: New Readers video in Hindi distribution on Twitter
  • nrvt2: New Readers video in Spanish distribution on Twitter
  • nrvy1: New Readers video in Hindi distribution on YouTube
  • nrvy2: New Readers video in Spanish distribution on Foundation YouTube
  • nrvy2i: New Readers video in Spanish distribution on Influencer YouTube
  • sdlw1: Search Deep Link web, feature version 1. Users selected by the TestSearchSatisfaction schema have this added to all article links when arriving at a page with either the srpw1 or sdlw1 wprov.
  • sfia1: Share a Fact on Android for image cards, feature version 1
  • sfii1: Share a Fact on iOS for image cards, feature version 1
  • sfla1: Share a link to an article (from lead image toolbar, or link preview), feature version 1
  • sfsi1: Standard sharing on iOS for text shares, feature version 1
  • sfta1: Share a Fact on Android for text shares, feature version 1
  • sfti1: Share a Fact on iOS for text shares, feature version 1
  • srpw1: Search Result Page web, feature version 1. Attached to result links in Special:Search.
  • tssw1: TestSearchSatisfaction schema for Special:Search in WikimediaEvents, feature version 1
  • vctw1: Vector (non-legacy) feature for Desktop Improvements Project (T243281)
  • wppw1: Wikipedia Preview Pilot on Web v1 (T261949)
    • wppw1t: Wikipedia Preview events from touch-capable devices (T297172)
  • wppw2 / wppw2t: Wikipedia Preview v2 of the above (includes instrumentation fixes)
  • wpwpp: Wikipedia Preview Wordpress plugin
  • yicw1: Links from YouTube videos about certain topics like global warming (introduced in 2018)
  • arde1: Links to https://thankyou.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurring_donor_page/en for the Fundraising Active Recurring Donor email, first send
  • tyza1: Fundraising Thank You banners - South Africa - variant 1
  • tyza2: Fundraising Thank You banners - South Africa - variant 2
  • tyin1: Fundraising Thank You banners - India - variant 1
  • tyin2: Fundraising Thank You banners - India - variant 2
  • tyin3: Fundraising Thank You banners - India - variant 3
  • tyin4: Fundraising Thank You banners - India - variant 4
  • tybr1: Fundraising Thank You banners - Portuguese Brazil - variant 1
  • tybr2: Fundraising Thank You banners - Portuguese Brazil - variant 2
  • esla1: Fundraising Thank You banners - Spanish LatAm - variant 1
  • esla2: Fundraising Thank You banners - Spanish LatAm - variant 2
  • enla1: Fundraising Thank You banners - English LatAm - variant 1
  • enla2: Fundraising Thank You banners - English LatAm - variant 2
  • rlsa1: Reading List Sharing feature from the Android app, version 1
  • gpio1: GPT Plug-In for OpenAI, version 1
  • cna1: Citation Needed API, version 1 (reference)
  • rarw1: Related Articles extension Read More, web, version 1
  • aafw1: Add-A-Fact future audiences project

See also