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Obsolete:Tool:Query service/WantedTemplates cswiki

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

WantedTemplates cswiki

Description wanted templates on cswiki (usage of non-existing templates).
Assignee Duesentrieb
JIRA bug n/a
Source http://tools.wikimedia.de/~daniel/misc/cswiki-wantedtemplates.sql
Results http://tools.wikimedia.de/~daniel/misc/cswiki-wantedtemplates.txt
Approximate run time ~20 sec
Interval n/a


select P.page_namespace, P.page_title, tl_namespace, tl_title 
from page as P 
join templatelinks on tl_from = P.page_id  
left join page as X on X.page_namespace = tl_namespace and X.page_title = tl_title 
where X.page_title is null

This page was moved from toolserver:en:Query service/WantedTemplates cswiki. It's edit history can be viewed at Nova Resource:Tools/Tools/Query service/WantedTemplates cswiki/edithistory