Obsolete:Squid log migration system
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.
Squid logs begin in /var/log/squid/access.log. Every 10 minutes, they are rotated to /var/log/squid/outgoing/. a script then runs, moving them to:
- pmtpa -> fuchsia:/a/logs/incoming-pmtpa/
- lopar -> fuchsia:/a/logs/incoming-lopar/
- knams -> fuchsia:/a/logs/incoming/
they sit here until, every two hours, a script on fuchsia (/home/knshare/bin/runstats) merges them (/home/knshare/bin/movelogs), runs webalizer on them, then drops them into /a/logs/finished in gzip form. every 6 hours, a script is run to generate per-country stats from finished logs.
from this, we generate statistics:
- webalizer: http://www2.knams.wikimedia.org/stats/
- per-country statistics: http://www2.knams.wikimedia.org/country-stats/
- FIXME: last update to /a/logs/finished was in July 2005. In September, this seems disused.
- FIXME: Where is the script that runs these updates?