Obsolete:Live Upgrade quickstart
This page only applies to systems with ZFS root!!! (That is ms4, but not ms1.)
Live Upgrade is used to upgrade Solaris without taking the system offline. The current root filesystem is copied to an alternate root, then upgraded, then the system is rebooted into the new root. Each alternate root is called a boot environment.
List current BEs:
#lustatus Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status -------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ---------- be2 yes no no yes - be0 yes yes yes no -
Create a new BE as a copy of the current one:
#lucreate -n be3
Mount the Solaris ISO at /mnt2:
#lofiadm -a $PWD/sol-10-u7-ga-x86-dvd.iso /dev/lofi/1 #mount -Fhsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt2
Upgrade the new BE "be3" with the Solaris media:
#luupgrade -u -n be3 -s /mnt2
This takes about an hour.
After upgrading, apply any missing patches:
#lumount be3 (list the required patches) #pca -l -R /.alt.be3 (install them) Note: you will need a Sun account for this step, and it should have a contract number associated with it, or you don't get all the patches. #/opt/ts/bin/pca -ai -R /.alt.be3 #luumount be3
Then activate the new BE and reboot:
#luactivate be3 #shutdown -i6 -g0 -y
If you are on one of the Sun Fire X4500 or X4540s, please edit the appropriate grub menu after reboot so that the failsafe mode is not the last entry; see Solaris#Troubleshooting for details.