Obsolete:Labs Eqiad Migration/2014-02-19
Feb 19 Present: Mark, Andrew, Ryan, Diederik, Coren
- Progress
- Self-hosted puppetmaster
- Support contract
- Progress
- Things are currently broken but things were progressing quite well until February 19th.
- Spinning up a labs instance in eqiad is working about 80% for now
- Left to be done:
- Wikitech managing both dc's
- Install redis on virt0/virt1001, have one replicate to the other, pointing wikitech at virt1001. this has been written, it needs to be deployed and tested.
- More testing
- Ryan will work on keystone to share keys between tampa and eqiad.
- Get instances to talk to each other across data centers (mark)
- migration steps: Labs_Eqiad_Migration (among other things) (see item 11)
- Support contract
- No follow-up action required
- Leave Mirantis for now
Action Items
- Run salt to detect self-puppetmaster merge conflicts. ACTION ITEM: Coren
- Estimate time it takes to migrate instance: ACTION ITEM: Andrew
- Figure out how not to NAT to other labs cloud (Mark)
Proposed timeline
- 2012-02-21: Internal test migrations. Requires use of wikitech and virt1000.
- 2012-02-24: Tools, Deployment-prep migration begins (carefully). Wikitech exposes access to both datacenters.
- 2012-03-03: Public migration period begins. New instance creation and IP allocation disabled in pmtpa.
- 2012-03-18: Deadline for self-migration. After this, labs staff starts to shutdown and transfer remaining instances, where they will remain in SHUTOFF state until a specific request is made.