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Obsolete:Labs Eqiad Migration/2014-01-29

From Wikitech


Topic: Labs Migration Status

Date: Jan 29 2014

Attending: Mark, Faidon, Andrew B, Marc, Diederik

Wiki pages




  • Puppet work is missing, Mike has not written any code at all.
  • Two puppet options
    • Setting up an exact duplicate tampa cluster, (not very hard)
    • Adopting new versions of openstack, new technologies (new dns), ip6, neutron (what's neutron?)
    • Coren prefers to move to new technology, upgrading later is going to be very disruptive (taking labs down again).
    • Andrew suggests that maybe we missed the opportunity to upgrade to new tech given the situation
  • Ryan was blocked by Mike, he is on contract for 10 hours per week, we should use his time wisely.
  • Faidon might be able to help next week
  • OpenStackManager needs to be aware of both data centers -- this will support our volunteers migrating their own projects.
    • Much of this work is done and tested, but when the OpenStack cluster in eqiad comes up there will be another round of bugs

to shake out.

  • Network setup:
    • labsnet1001 will be the neutron host, it has 4 bonded ports


* Postpone DNS/"designate", that can be done easily later. 
* We will upgrade to new tech (Openstack Havana, Neutron) in eqiad, plan B is to use existing Tampa configuration. 

Action Items

  • Re-establish contact with Mike Hoover, sent email yesterday, will call today (DvL) Yes Done
  • If contact cannot be established, suspend payments (assuming he is being paid) to see if he responds (DvL)
    • He hasn't billed in ages as far as I know.
  • Coren/Andrew B get familiar with neutron in coming week to understand better what the issues are. (AB/Coren)
  • Mark will send Canonical contact details to Diederik (MB) Yes Done
  • Get quote from Canonical on support on OpenStack(DvL) Yes Done
  • Ask Ryan to make/test OpenstackManager awareness of both data centers (DvL) Yes Done
  • Mark has offered help to get the network side up and running in eqiad by end of next week, waiting for prod from Andrew/Coren.
  • Start inviting Ryan to status weeekly meetings -- schedule early EST morning. (DvL/AB/Coren) Yes Done
  • Next meeting create a timeline for migration from Tampa (DvL/AB/Coren)