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Obsolete:Heterogeneous deployment v2

From Wikitech
Work in progress...

Deploying a new version of MediaWiki to Wikimedia sites

# Do this wherever, bast1001 works
git clone ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/tools/release.git /tmp/release
/tmp/release/make-wmf-branch/make-wmf-branch 1.23wmf10 master

# Do this on tin
/a/common/multiversion/checkoutMediaWiki 1.23wmf10 php-1.23wmf10

# Change testwiki to php-1.23wmf10
edit /a/common/wikiversions.json

# Rebuild messages etc
scap 'testwiki to php-1.23wmf10 and rebuild l10n cache'

# Making the changelog
php make-deploy-notes origin/wmf/1.23wmf9 origin/wmf/1.23wmf10


cd /a/common && rm php && ln -s php-1.22wmf6 php

dsh -F10 -cM -g mediawiki-installation -o -oSetupTimeout=10 'cd /usr/local/apache/common && sudo -u mwdeploy rm php && sudo -u mwdeploy ln -s php-1.22wmf6 php'

php multiversion/deleteMediaWiki.php php-1.22wmf4
rm -rf php-1.22wmf4

ddsh -cM -g mediawiki-installation -o -oSetupTimeout=30 -F30 sudo -u mwdeploy 'rm -rf /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.22wmf4'

rm /a/common/wmf-config/ExtensionMessages-1.22wmf4.php

sync-docroot 'Clean up 1.22wmf4'