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Obsolete:DB error sampling

From Wikitech
Note: This page was created as a temporary pastebin and probably doesn't make any sense without its proper context

Grabbed about the last week's worth of DB error log entries, stripped out basic connection errors and such. Was left with about 1064 entries, which I popped into a local DB table to do some breakdowns.

Top 10 function-errno loci

mysql> select count(*) as hits, function, errno, error from errorlog group by function, errno order by hits desc limit 10;
| hits | function                      | errno | error                                                                           |
|  620 | Article::updateCategoryCounts |  1213 | Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction ( | 
|  240 | Article::insertOn             |  1062 | Duplicate entry '0-Gentechnology' for key 2 (                        | 
|   41 | Article::doDeleteArticle      |  1213 | Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction ( | 
|   26 | LinksUpdate::incrTableUpdate  |  1213 | Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction ( | 
|   19 | TitleKey::prefixSearch        |  1030 | Got error 28 from table handler (                                    | 
|    9 | Title::invalidateCache        |  1213 | Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction ( | 
|    9 |                               |  2013 | Lost connection to MySQL server during query (                       | 
|    8 | User::saveSettings            |  1205 | Lock wait timeout exceeded; Try restarting transaction (             | 
|    8 | TitleKey::prefixSearch        |  2003 | Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (4) (                  | 
|    7 | Job::pop                      |  1213 | Deadlock found when trying to get lock; Try restarting transaction ( | 