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Obsolete:Camus in the Analytics Cluster

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

As of 07/2021 Camus has been replaced by Gobblin.

Analytics Production Camus jobs are launched via hdfs user cron on an-launcher1002 (check site.pp in Puppet first for the role analytics_cluster::launcher).

As of September 2020, possible replacements for Camus are being evaluated (T238400).

How to stop Camus

The quickest way is to ssh to an-launcher1002 and check/stop systemd timers:

ssh an-launcher1002.eqiad.wmnet
sudo systemctl list-timers | grep camus

Then disable puppet (requires SRE/root permissions) and:

sudo systemctl stop camus-webrequest

Check Camus Production logs

  • ssh to an-launcher1002
  • logs are stored in /var/log/camus, one (rotated) file per camus run-type (as of today: webrequest, eventlogging, mediawiki and eventbus)
  • In those files are logged both camus output and camus-partition-checker output.

How to produce to kafka

cat test_message.txt  | kafkacat -b  kafka-jumbo1001.eqiad.wmnet:9092 -t test

Test message is a file like:

{"id":123456,"name":"pepito perez", "muchoStuff":{"a": "1"}}
 {"id":123456,"name":"pepito perez", "muchoStuff":{"a": "2"}}
 {"id":123456,"name":"pepito perez", "muchoStuff":{"a": "3"}}
 {"id":123456,"name":"pepito perez", "muchoStuff":{"a": "4"}}

How to validate your data against your avro schema

We have found php bindings to be different than java ones, please validate messages using this java jar:

java -jar avro-tools-1.7.6.jar jsontofrag --schema-file CirrusSearchRequestSet.avsc searchmessage.json

How to run camus job to decode avro from kafka topic

Camus is our map reduce job but also has some of the code we depend on, thus camus jar appears twice.

Note that you need your local properties file to pass to camus. Note: "-P /home/user/avro-kafka/camus.avro.json.properties" below

"Real" properties files live on puppet: [1]

export LIBJARS=/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-wmf-0.1.0-wmf6.jar,/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-etl-kafka-0.1.0-wmf6.jar,/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-api-0.1.0-wmf6.jar,/home/user/av

export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-wmf-0.1.0-wmf6.jar:/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-etl-kafka-0.1.0-wmf6.jar:/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-api-0.1.0-wmf6.jar:/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-kafka-coders-0.1.0-wmf6.jar:/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-schema-registry-0.1.0-wmf6.jar:/home/user/avro-kafka/camus-parent-0.1.0-wmf6-tests.jar:/home/user/avr

/usr/bin/hadoop jar /home/user/avro-kafka/camus-wmf-0.1.0-wmf6.jar com.linkedin.camus.etl.kafka.CamusJob -libjars ${LIBJARS}  -Dcamus.job.name="some_avro_test"  -P /home/user/avro-kafka/camus.avro.json.properties >>  ./log_camus_avro_test.txt 2>&1