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Obsolete:Bugzilla upgrade failure

From Wikitech
Note: This page was created as a temporary pastebin and probably doesn't make any sense without its proper context
[root@pascal bugzilla]# ./checksetup.pl 

Checking perl modules ...
Checking for       AppConfig (v1.52)   ok: found v1.56
Checking for             CGI (v2.93)   ok: found v3.05
Checking for    Data::Dumper (any)     ok: found v2.121
Checking for    Date::Format (v2.21)   ok: found v2.22
Checking for             DBI (v1.38)   ok: found v1.40
Checking for      File::Spec (v0.84)   ok: found v3.11
Checking for      File::Temp (any)     ok: found v0.14
Checking for        Template (v2.08)   ok: found v2.14
Checking for      Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09292
Checking for    Mail::Mailer (v1.65)   ok: found v1.67
Checking for        Storable (any)     ok: found v2.13

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for              GD (v1.20)   ok: found v2.19
Checking for     Chart::Base (v1.0)    ok: found v2.3
Checking for     XML::Parser (any)     ok: found v2.34
Checking for       GD::Graph (any)     ok: found v1.43
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any)     ok: found v1.18
Checking for     PatchReader (v0.9.4)  ok: found v0.9.5

Checking user setup ...

The following settings in your localconfig file are no longer used:
  @severities, @priorities, @opsys, @platforms
This data is now controlled through the Bugzilla administrative interface.
We recommend you remove these settings from localconfig after checksetup
runs successfully.
Creating local attachments directory ...
Creating ./data/attachments/.htaccess...
Removing existing compiled templates ...
Precompiling templates ...

We are about to rename old indexes.
The estimated time to complete renaming is 7 minutes.
You cannot interrupt this action once it has begun.
If you would like to cancel, press Ctrl-C now... (Waiting 45 seconds...)

Renaming indexes...
Removing index 'creator_2' from the series table...
Renaming index bug_id to attachments_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index creation_ts to attachments_creation_ts_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to bug_group_map_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index group_id to bug_group_map_group_id_idx...
Renaming index priority to bugs_priority_idx...
Renaming index reporter to bugs_reporter_idx...
Renaming index product_id to bugs_product_id_idx...
Renaming index creation_ts to bugs_creation_ts_idx...
Renaming index assigned_to to bugs_assigned_to_idx...
Renaming index qa_contact to bugs_qa_contact_idx...
Renaming index short_desc to bugs_short_desc_idx...
Renaming index votes to bugs_votes_idx...
Renaming index bug_severity to bugs_bug_severity_idx...
Renaming index bug_status to bugs_bug_status_idx...
Renaming index delta_ts to bugs_delta_ts_idx...
Renaming index version to bugs_version_idx...
Renaming index component_id to bugs_component_id_idx...
Renaming index resolution to bugs_resolution_idx...
Renaming index target_milestone to bugs_target_milestone_idx...
Renaming index alias to bugs_alias_idx...
Renaming index op_sys to bugs_op_sys_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to bugs_activity_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index bug_when to bugs_activity_bug_when_idx...
Renaming index fieldid to bugs_activity_fieldid_idx...
Renaming index category_id to category_group_map_category_id_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to cc_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index who to cc_who_idx...
Renaming index product_id to components_product_id_idx...
Renaming index name to components_name_idx...
Renaming index blocked to dependencies_blocked_idx...
Renaming index dependson to dependencies_dependson_idx...
Renaming index sortkey to fielddefs_sortkey_idx...
Renaming index name to fielddefs_name_idx...
Renaming index type_id to flagexclusions_type_id_idx...
Renaming index type_id to flaginclusions_type_id_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to flags_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index setter_id to flags_setter_id_idx...
Renaming index requestee_id to flags_requestee_id_idx...
Renaming index product_id to group_control_map_product_id_idx...
Renaming index group_id to group_control_map_group_id_idx...
Renaming index member_id to group_group_map_member_id_idx...
Renaming index name to groups_name_idx...
Renaming index name to keyworddefs_name_idx...
Renaming index keywordid to keywords_keywordid_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to keywords_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index lastused to logincookies_lastused_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to longdescs_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index bug_when to longdescs_bug_when_idx...
Renaming index who to longdescs_who_idx...
Renaming index thetext to longdescs_thetext_idx...
Renaming index product_id to milestones_product_id_idx...
Renaming index userid to namedqueries_userid_idx...
Renaming index name to products_name_idx...
Renaming index login_name to profiles_login_name_idx...
Renaming index userid to profiles_activity_userid_idx...
Renaming index profiles_when to profiles_activity_profiles_when_idx...
Renaming index fieldid to profiles_activity_fieldid_idx...
Renaming index creator to series_creator_idx...
Renaming index name to series_categories_name_idx...
Renaming index series_id to series_data_series_id_idx...
Renaming index userid to tokens_userid_idx...
Renaming index user_id to user_group_map_user_id_idx...
Renaming index bug_id to votes_bug_id_idx...
Renaming index who to votes_who_idx...
Renaming index watcher to watch_watcher_idx...
Renaming index watched to watch_watched_idx...
Building Schema object from database...
Adding new table bz_schema ...
Initializing the new Schema storage...
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001962ae0 ***
[root@pascal bugzilla]#