Technical preparations
cd /root/bugzilla-work-dzahn/ wget http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/webtools/bugzilla-4.4.1.tar.gz tar zfxv bugzilla-4.4.1.tar.gz .. cd /srv/org/wikimedia/ rsync -avp /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/ /root/bugzilla-work-dzahn/bugzilla-4.2.7-prod-orig/ cp -r /root/bugzilla-work-dzahn/bugzilla-4.4.1 . cd bugzilla-4.4.1/ cp ../bugzilla/localconfig* . cp -r ../bugzilla/data . mv bugzilla bugzilla.old ln -s bugzilla-4.4.1 bugzilla --- slightly modified but mostly exactly per: http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.4/en/html/upgrade.html Upgrading using the tarball -- run checksetup.pl starts to update database tables ... lots of output .. Adding a new user setting called 'requestee_cc' Adding a new user setting called 'bugmail_new_prefix' checksetup.pl complete. -- first had a problem at this point, resulted in bugzilla being a directory with just localconfig and nothing else after checksetup.pl did not bother about following symlink problems , instead just changed it to "mv bugzilla-4.4.1 bugzilla" as mozilla also suggests it. the we had an apache error like: /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/.htaccess: Options not allowed here this is the .htaccess created by checksetup.pl i commented out the #Options -Indexes and now we can see: version 4.4.1 on zirconium
- after this we applied all our modifications from the modifications repo using rsync , details on Bug_management/modifications.
- after this we applied the following 10 pending patches for 4.4 manually (without merging them) on the test installation
- then we deleted this file to enable MoreBugUrl: /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/extensions/MoreBugUrl# rm disabled
- then we deleted this file to enable voting: /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/extensions/Voting# rm disabled
- as the patch deletes our custom Bugzilla/BugUrl.pm (which should NOT be in Gerrit), put the upstream version of Bugzilla/BugUrl.pm on the server
- we also deleted extensions/Sitemap because it caused problems
Avoid 404 for the "Weekly Bug Summary" link in the sidebar: cd /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/ ln -s extensions/WeeklyReport/weekly-bug-summary.cgi . ln -s extensions/WeeklyReport/component-report.cgi .
Fix issues with cronjobs
Bugzilla UI actions
- Set https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/editparams.cgi?section=general#announcehtml_desc one week in advance (2014-02-05) to
<div id="message">bugzilla.wikimedia.org will be <b>unavailable</b> due to maintenance work on <b>Wednesday, February 12th from <a href="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html">22:00 UTC</a> until max. Thursday, February 13th 01:00 UTC</b> (Feb 12th 14:00PST until max. 17:00PST).</div>
- Move announcehtml to shutdownhtml
- Update IRC channel topic in #wikimedia-tech to tell that Bugzilla is under scheduled maintenance.
- In #wikimedia-operations, !log Bugzilla in scheduled maintenance/upgrade period - be back in a bit
- Upgrade (see above)
- Quickly test after upgrade:
- Last bug report from before upgrade also exists on new server
- Voting! If it does not work, we did not remove the "disabled" file in /extensions/Voting
- Check Weekly summary and its symlinks
- Navigation > Help
- /reports.cgi
- Switch off bugmail
- Potentially merge entries in the long Version dropdown
- Turn on bugmail; set back to "Sendmail"
- Change announcehtml to
<div id="message">Wikimedia Bugzilla was upgraded to a new software version on Feb 12th, 2014. If you find problems with Bugzilla itself please <a href="https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Wikimedia&component=Bugzilla">file a bug report</a>.</div>
- Send followup email to wikitech-l and ambassadors
- Update Greasemonkey scripts to work with new Bugzilla version
- Need to inform Chad to switch of the Gerrit notification bot for Bugzilla as it cannot connect
- (One-time issue:) "Bugzilla weekly report" to wikitech-l broke due to DB connection issues: bugzilla:61453