Obsolete:2015 analytics datastore evaluation
This page will help us decide on a centralized data store to handle analytics at WMF.
Vision Document
- Spark SQL
- this is not a datastore? Hm, I guess Hive isn't really eitiher?
- Hive on Spark
- Not yet released.
- Hive on Tez
- OpenTSDB (HBase)
- Impala
- Cassandra
- Druid
- Apache Drill
Presto- This is like Impala, but Impala would probably be easier (and maybe better)
- Mondrian + PostgreSQL
- Crate (Elastic Search)
- InfluxDB
- RESTBase
- Kudu
This page is helpful: http://blog.matthewrathbone.com/2014/06/08/sql-engines-for-hadoop.html