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Nova Resource:Math/SAL

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  • 09:43 taavi@cloudcumin1001: END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0)
  • 09:38 taavi@cloudcumin1001: START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs


  • 03:51 andrewbogott: raised quota to gigabytes=260 for T354579


  • 02:20 andrewbogott: rebooting mathosphere to resolve hangs associated with an old NFS failure


  • 23:13 bd808: Deleted drmf, math-ru, mathoid2 (T204509)


  • 10:39 arturo: shut down drmft instance again (was active by mistake due to workload reallocation) Will be deleted soon anyway


  • 17:23 arturo: make myself projectadmin for better view of internal project logs
  • 17:18 arturo: T204509 shutting down again drmf-beta and drmf


  • 12:05 arturo: VM instances drmf,drmf-beta,math-docker, were stopped briefly due to issue in hypervisor (T215012)


  • 16:22 arturo: T204509 shutdown ubuntu *VM instances*: drmf-beta, drmf, mathoid2, math-ru
  • 16:21 arturo: T204509 shutdown ubuntu iamges: drmf-beta, drmf, mathoid2, math-ru


  • 16:16 andrewbogott: rehabilitating 'drmf' instance


  • 02:17 andrewbogott: rebooting drmf in an attempt to get puppet working


  • 22:58 bd808: Joined project as admin

March 4

  • 21:35 andrewbogott: (and also because Howie requested it)
  • 21:34 andrewbogott: moved http://drmf-beta.wmflabs.org to point to the drmf-beta instance, and http://drmf.wmflabs.org to point to the drmf instance. Because previously it was the other way around which was super confusing.

September 16

  • 19:36 andrewbogott: moving and rebooting mws instance

January 17

  • 08:57 andrewbogott: moving math-semantics to a new virt host to avoid a storage crunch. This will reboot the instance.

January 15

  • 08:48 andrewbogott: rebooted latexml-test

August 29

  • 06:05 Ryan_Lane: adding jiabao to work on math support for visualeditor