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Nova Resource:Incubator/SAL

From Wikitech


  • 10:07 taavi@cloudcumin1001: END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0)
  • 10:05 taavi@cloudcumin1001: START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs


  • 13:59 andrewbogott: moving incubator-mw to a new cloudvirt

February 5

  • 07:13 Ryan_Lane: rebooted incubator-apache, it was OOM'd

September 2

  • 10:23 Hydriz: Attempting to move mysql operations and databases over to incubator-sql to reduce the high load on the single apache.
  • 09:58 Hydriz: Moving bot instances over to the dumps project.

August 10

  • 14:11 Hydriz: Deleted incubator-bot0, inaccessible for a period of time...

August 3

  • 10:35 Hydriz: Switching both enwiki and devwiki to the master branch in the name of logic (aka to really do testing and not be stuck with 1.20wmf* branches).

August 2

  • 19:29 andrewbogott: Migrated all instances to new hardware

July 23

  • 13:32 Hydriz: Deleted instance incubator-common. No longer in use/needed
  • 09:19 Hydriz: Imported the full database into devwiki. Lifted the editing restriction on anons and removed the site notice.

June 29

May 27

  • 09:15 Hydriz: Rebooted incubator-bot1 and bot2, upgraded some packages and system requires restart
  • 09:09 Hydriz: Restarted incubator-bot2, not sure what killed it.

May 22

  • 13:00 Hydriz: Fun just started on bot1 and bot2, starting interwiki bots.

May 12

  • 19:58 Ryan_Lane: fixed incubator-apache1
  • 15:55 Hydriz: Incubator-apache is really down due to NFS issues with incubator-common. Ryan Lane: If you are reading this, please help manually reboot it!

May 7

  • 13:51 labs-logs-bottie: hydriz: [i-00000211] Git is just pissing me off
  • 10:46 labs-logs-bottie: hydriz: [i-00000211] Starting full import of incubatorwiki dump into devwiki

April 21

  • 15:27 Hydriz: Initialising instance incubator-apache to replace broken incubator-web
  • 15:21 Hydriz: Resolved severely overloaded instance incubator-bots2, was in the process of kill all bots on that server to decrease the number of processes that is running on that server (from 23k+ to >200)

March 19

  • 09:58 Hydriz: Instance incubator-web is going very crazy right now, all web services for incubator are down

March 12

  • 15:35 labs-logs-bottie: hydriz: Updating all files via scap to r113625
  • 14:06 labs-logs-bottie: root: test
  • 07:52 Hydriz: Created wikis for documentation purpose and development testing
  • 02:17 Hydriz: Deleted obsolete instance incubator-squid
  • 01:54 Hydriz: Assigned public IP to instance incubator-web

March 11

  • 11:08 Hydriz: Deleted instance incubator-testing

March 10

  • 13:44 Hydriz: Deleted instances (incubator-nfs, -live, -dep and prefixexport) to do more like Wikimedia's configuration for better testing and usage of lesser resources

February 2

  • 12:39 Hydriz: Deleting instances incubator-bots and incubator-bots3 due to complains, keeping bots2 due to it hosting real incubator bots

February 1

  • 19:03 Ryan_Lane: suspended all instances - talk to me
  • 15:09 Hydriz: Created new instance incubator-bots3 for offloading bots1 with m1.large configuration

January 29

  • 15:37 Hydriz: Removing platonides from the project and isolated the error
  • 15:28 Hydriz: Temporarily adding platonides into the project to debug issues
  • 14:33 Hydriz: Merged webaccess group with default, avoiding the hassle of having to click an extra button

January 28

  • 14:56 Hydriz: Robin created new instance incubator-testing for his own development with m1.small configuration
  • 13:31 Hydriz: Adding robin to the project. Yays!

January 27

  • 14:35 Hydriz: Enabled one of the three bots on incubator-bots, the remaining two on incubator-bots2
  • 14:32 Hydriz: Created new instance incubator-bots2 with m1.large configuration to offset the load on incubator-bots
  • 14:20 Hydriz: Killed all bots on incubator-bots. Critical free memory available.

January 25

  • 13:32 Hydriz: Creating the incubator-bots instance for hosting Wikimedia Incubator bots
  • 13:23 Hydriz: Deleting the incubator-sql1 instance as having another SQL server proves to be worthless
  • 09:57 Hydriz: Deleting instance incubator-sql to rename to incubator-sql1, partially also due to severe misconfiguration of mysql installation
  • 09:16 Hydriz: Created new instance incubator-live for hosting MediaWiki files so that we can avoid having the same files on different servers
  • 08:05 Hydriz: Creating new instance incubator-sql for hosting MySQL databases on the incubator projects
  • 06:56 Hydriz: Created new instance incubator-dep to replace previously known deployment instance
  • 06:09 Hydriz: Deleting instance deployment as the name is too generic, may conflict with Deployment-prep project
  • 04:34 Hydriz: Mounted incubator-nfs:/mnt/1 onto /1 of prefixexport and deployment instances
  • 03:47 methecooldude: I think Hydriz broke it :P
  • 03:44 Hydriz: Rerunning puppet on incubator-nfs to keep nagios quiet
  • 03:40 Hydriz: Created new instance incubator-nfs for Incubator file storage, with s1.large setup
  • 03:19 Hydriz: Importing incubatorwiki dump of 20120120 into prefixexport's enwiki

January 24

  • 14:59 Hydriz: Created new instance "deployment" to test out beta code before final push to the Wikimedia Incubator
  • 09:26 Hydriz: SVN Checked-Out 1.18wmf1 into /var/www/w
  • 09:26 Hydriz: Installed PHP5, Apache2 and Mysql to prefixexport
  • 09:02 Hydriz: Created new instance i-00000107 for testing PrefixExport extension
  • 08:55 Hydriz: Deleted instance prefixexport, recreating to fix security groups issue
  • 08:03 Hydriz: Created new instance prefixexport
  • 07:29 Hydriz: Created new security group for web access to port 80
  • 07:10 Ryan_Lane: created the incubator project. Added Hydriz as project owner.