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Nova Resource:Graphite/SAL

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  • 21:55 andrewbogott: deleting unused project


  • 01:01 bd808: Removed Yuvipanda at user request (T186289)


  • 14:21 andrewbogott: deleting all instances. Filippo confirms they're unused, and puppet is broken on every single one.


  • 18:33 andrewbogott: moving 'grafana' back to the normal labs puppetmaster. There aren't any local changes, and puppet has been broken here for ages


  • 16:55 yuvipanda: enable backports on graphite-labs


October 10

  • 21:44 bd808: Added Krinkle as project admin

July 9

  • 13:23 YuviPanda: removed whitelist.conf to see if the puppet change preventing diamond on nonselected projects from sending metrics has been done fully. Nothing on tcpdump

July 8

  • 15:25 YuviPanda: only accept metrics from tools, betalabs and graphite. The center seems to hold for now, let's see how long that lasts
  • 12:37 YuviPanda: reduced metrics count from 65k to 25k, monitoring io performance
  • 11:36 YuviPanda: set storage-schema on diamond-collector to collect only tools, betalabs and graphite stats

July 7

  • 22:58 YuviPanda: puppet disabled on diamond-collector for now, trying graphite with a more coarse storage-schema
  • 22:53 YuviPanda: delete all the metrics in diamond-collector, investigating performance issues still
  • 22:19 YuviPanda: rebooted diamond-collector
  • 21:13 YuviPanda: stopped carbon on diamond-collector to investigate io issues

July 6

  • 08:03 YuviPanda: rebooted diamond-collector

June 29

  • 06:45 YuviPanda: repointed graphite.wmflabs.org to diamond-collector.wmflabs.org, since graphite instance doesn't seem puppetized nor used.

June 26

  • 09:45 YuviPanda: created diamond-collector with roles diamond and graphite and pointed charcoal.wmflabs.org to it

May 7

  • 18:56 mutante: - made damianz a project admin
  • 18:56 mutante: - initial project creation, general project for all things graphite in one place