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Nova Resource:Ganglia/SAL

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  • 23:56 mutante: - giving up for now
  • 23:56 mutante: - Error: Could not send report: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 8140
  • 23:55 mutante: created jessie-bastion-02, configured with puppet::self, -> invoke-rc.d: initscript puppetmaster, action "start" failed.
  • 23:48 mutante: removed labs hieradata again, configured instance to not use ganglia class anymore at all - error does NOT go away - deleting instance
  • 23:42 mutante: will try switching to puppet::self - cant get it to work
  • 23:32 mutante: so either "must pass $sites" or "Reading data ..failed" ..
  • 23:31 mutante: tried setting $sites via hiera page, via hieradata/labs, then run into Reading data from Ganglia failed: TypeError - that's from realm.pp:82 and $dnsconfig = hiera_hash('labsdnsconfig', {})
  • 20:26 mutante: reconfigured jessie-bastion-01 with ONLY ganglia aggregator, Error 400 on SERVER: Must pass sites to Class
  • 20:24 mutante: role keyword not working in labs, not sure if testing is possible anymore
  • 20:23 mutante: configured jessie-bastion-01 like bast4001 to debug
  • 20:22 mutante: created puppet groups bastion/ganglia/installserver, added puppet classes to groups to let us use classes like in prod


June 25

  • 08:30 hashar: adding YuviPanda has a project admin

June 12

  • 01:02 Coren: set role::lvm::srv on aggregator so that it has actual space to use

May 6

  • 15:43 hashar: rebooting aggregator, it is stalled somehow: There was an error collecting ganglia data ( fsockopen error: Connection refused

April 2

  • 12:09 hashar: releasing IP address from the project
  • 12:08 hashar: Removed IP from aggregator instance, now use the labs proxy.

April 1

  • 21:41 hashar: Ganglia is graphing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \O/
  • 21:05 hashar: fixing /tmp permissions back to stat() 1777
  • 20:24 hashar: manually installed php5-cli so I can lint php files :D
  • 20:06 hashar: something more or less working at http://ganglia.wmflabs.org/latest/
  • 19:55 hashar: cloned https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-web.git to /usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend and checked out tag 3.5.12. Total unpuppetized hack for the win
  • 19:53 hashar: adding bd808 as a project admin
  • 14:34 hashar: aggregator puppet.conf had some HTML for certname entries. Fixed all occurrences to use i-000002a4.eqiad.wmflabs

June 26

  • 13:50 petan: rebooting

June 17

  • 11:31 petan: rebooting

May 29

  • 12:27 petan: restarting ganglia server

May 2

  • 21:05 Ryan_Lane: resizing aggregator1 to m1.large

August 2

  • 19:37 andrewbogott: Migrated all instances to new hardware