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Nova Resource:Analytics/SAL

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  • 16:20 taavi@cloudcumin1001: END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0)
  • 16:15 taavi@cloudcumin1001: START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs


  • 17:37 andrewbogott: adding "java::egd_source: '/dev/random'" to hiera k4 prefix in order to unbreak puppet runs
  • 17:36 andrewbogott: adding "profile::java::hardened_tls: false" to hiera k4 prefix in order to unbreak puppet runs


  • 18:33 andrewbogott: region migration finished
  • 13:36 andrewbogott: migrating project to eqiad1


  • 21:16 andrewbogott: updating puppetmaster p1.analytics.eqiad.wmflabs to puppet 4


  • 18:57 madhuvishy: Bumped instance quota to 24 instances (nova quota-update analytics --instances 24)


  • 17:43 bd808: Forced puppet run on zk1-1.analytics.eqiad.wmflabs after elukey fixed hiera settings
  • 17:34 bd808: Puppet broken on zk1-1.analytics.eqiad.wmflabs with "$clusters[$cluster_name] is :undef, not a hash or array at /etc/puppet/modules/profile/manifests/zookeeper/server.pp:22"


  • 13:32 andrewbogott: deleting shutdown Precise instance limn1


  • 02:14 andrewbogott: restarted druid101 because it was in some kind of kernel lockup


  • 18:17 yuvipanda: kill ldap entry for analytics303, doesn't exist


  • 22:05 mutante: renaming wikimetrics roles, short maintenance


  • 19:37 YuviPanda: upgraded quota for cores from 40 to 56 per milimetric's request

November 25

  • 10:07 YuviPanda: updated labs/private manually, forcing puppet run on wikimetrics-dev1

September 20

  • 14:01 andrewbogott: moving wikimetrics1 to virt1005

September 15

  • 15:29 YuviPanda: cherry-picked https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/160464 on wikimetrics1
  • 13:50 YuviPanda: fix apparmor + my.cnf to refer to new datadir
  • 13:32 YuviPanda: kill more logs on wikimetrics1 so apt-get has enough space to run
  • 13:30 YuviPanda: kill old diamond archive logs on wikimetrics1 so /var has enough space for puppet to run
  • 13:29 YuviPanda: enable /srv role on wikimetrics1, running puppet
  • 13:26 YuviPanda: stopping mysql and puppet on wikimetrics1 to perform /srv surgery

April 19

  • 01:29 mutante: adding bsitu, kaldari
  • 01:25 mutante: adding myself to analytics project to check DNS addresses and add Dario and others

December 20

  • 22:41 mutante: adding Rfaulk as member and sysadmin