Memcached for MediaWiki/mcrouter

From Wikitech

Generate certs for a new host


When adding a new Mediawiki (mw/mwmaint/mwdebug/deploy) host to the site, before adding the puppet role a cert for mcrouter needs to be generated and added to the private puppet repository.

Without these files in the repo puppet will throw an error similar to Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, secret(): invalid secret mcrouter/mwmaint1002.eqiad.wmnet/mwmaint1002.eqiad.wmnet.crt.pem.

The generated files need to be added and git committed in /srv/private/modules/secret/secrets/mcrouter on a puppetmaster (puppetmaster1001) before the first puppet run happens.


Based on the chat excerpt below:

  • ssh to a puppetmaster (puppetmaster1001)
  • save a copy of /etc/cergen/mcrouter.manifests.d/mediawiki-hosts.certs.yaml for good measure. (If this file does not exist for some reason you can recreate it by running the script below without the "--add <FQDN>" part.)
  • run sudo /usr/local/sbin/mcrouter_generate_certs --generate --add <FQDN1> <FDN2>... Please make sure all FQDNs already resolve correctly to the server's IP address.
  • Review and commit the contents of /srv/private/modules/secret/secrets/mcrouter
  • Add similar fake certs for your hosts to labs/private (just copy the fake directory of another host).
    • hostname="mw1442.eqiad.wmnet" ; mkdir ./modules/secret/secrets/mcrouter/$hostname ; touch ./modules/secret/secrets/mcrouter/$hostname/$hostname.crt.pem ; touch ./modules/secret/secrets/mcrouter/$hostname/$hostname.key.private.pem

Renew CA and certificates

  1. Disable Puppet on mcrouter hosts.
    cumin1001:~$ sudo cumin C:mcrouter "disable-puppet 'mcrouter cert renewal -YOUR_NAME'"
  2. Renew the certs on the puppetmaster. The script uses sudo, so it will prompt for your password. The source is at
    puppetmaster1001:~$ renew_mcrouter_certs
  3. Re-enable Puppet.
    cumin1001:~$ sudo cumin C:mcrouter "enable-puppet 'mcrouter cert renewal -YOUR_NAME'"

As Puppet runs over the next 30 minutes, new certificates and CA will be stored. The mcrouter process will get inotified and will reload them itself; there is no need for a restart.

If you don't disable and re-enable Puppet, it might happen to run at exactly the wrong time during the renewal, in which case it will fail. The next time it runs on that machine, it will succeed and pick up the new certs -- the transient failure is harmless. Thus, if you're feeling bold, you can skip steps 1 and 3 above.