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From Wikitech
< Maps‎ | v2



Maps nodes

  • eqiad cluster
    • maps{1005..1010}.eqiad.wmnet
      • master node: 1009
      • read replicas: 1005,1006,1006,1008,1010
  • codfw
    • maps{2005..2010}.codfw.wmnet
      • master node: 1009
      • read replicas: 1005,1006,1006,1008,1010

Each of the nodes runs:

  • Postgres/Postgis
  • Kartotherian
  • (Deprecated) Redis + Cassandra + Tilerator
    • Tilerator will be phased out when Tegola is ready for production traffic

For master nodes specifically we also run:

  • OpenStreetMap data import script backed by imposm3
    • The PostgresSQL DB receives writes only on master nodes the rest of the access is read-only.


We currently host tegola on kubernetes

  • codfw deploymet --> maps codfw postgres read replicas
  • eqiad deployment --> maps eqiad postgres read replicas
