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Maps/Maps experiments

From Wikitech

Because maps-experiments is not configured in deployment-prep (they are different projects in Cloud VPS) a hack is needed to deploy kartotherian code to maps-master01. The problem is that the deploy instance in deployment-prep doesn't recognize connections to maps-experiments project, but we can fetch the needed code the other way around.

First, proceed with deployment as normal. This is important to create the deployment rev that we will fetch from maps-master01:

ssh deployment-deploy03.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
cd /srv/deployment/kartotherian/deploy
# make sure you are in the imposm branch
git checkout imposm
git pull && git submodule update
git log -n 1

# Create the deployment at deployment-prep
scap deploy --environment beta "Deploy kartotherian imposm at maps-master01.maps-experiments"
# It will fail 
# Don't execute rollback. Press "n"

Then log into maps-master01.maps-experiments and execute the following commands manually as root:

ssh maps-master01.maps-experiments.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
sudo -u deploy-service /usr/bin/scap deploy-local -v --environment beta --repo kartotherian/deploy -g default fetch --refresh-config
sudo -u deploy-service /usr/bin/scap deploy-local -v --environment beta --repo kartotherian/deploy -g default config_deploy --refresh-config
sudo -u deploy-service /usr/bin/scap deploy-local -v --environment beta --repo kartotherian/deploy -g default promote --refresh-config

This should replicate the same process as deploying code to instances inside the deployment-prep project.