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Map of database maintenance

From Wikitech

Here you can follow maintenance on our databases. This is useful to spot potential causes for issues in production or avoid interfering with another maintenance work.

A script parses dbctl SAL logs and add entries here. Furthermore, DBAs can add manual entries in this list by logging SAL. It is important that SAL must contain the word "dbmaint", a phabricator ticket id, a section name and name of the datacenter. For example: "!log dbmaint on s2@codfw (T12345)"

Today (2024-07-27)

Section Work
s1 Gradually drop old pagelinks columns (T352010) (ladsgroup)

Yesterday (2024-07-26)

Section Work
s1 Gradually drop old pagelinks columns (T352010) (ladsgroup)
s4 Cleanup revision table schema (T367856) (marostegui)
Section Work
s1 Cleanup revision table schema (T367856) (marostegui)

Last seven days

Section Work
s1 Gradually drop old pagelinks columns (T352010) (ladsgroup)
s4 Cleanup revision table schema (T367856) (marostegui)
Section Work
s1 Cleanup revision table schema (T367856) (marostegui)
s4 Cleanup revision table schema (T367856) (marostegui)