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Incidents/2024-06-12 WMCS toolforge k8s control plane

From Wikitech

document status: in-review


Incident metadata (see Incident Scorecard)
Incident ID 2024-06-12 WMCS toolforge k8s control plane Start 2024-06-12 16:35
Task T367348 End 2024-06-12 17:13
People paged N/A Responder count 5 people: Taavi, David, Francesco, Andrew, Arturo
Coordinators Andrew Bogott Affected metrics/SLOs No relevant SLOs exist.
Impact All Toolforge users were impacted. While running webservices/jobs were somewhat alive and reachable, no jobs or webservices could be created, or operated in any way.
  • System-wide renaming of Kyverno policies overloaded Toolforge Kubernetes control nodes rendering API unresponsive
  • Lack of working Kubernetes API prevented rollback


14:00 (approximately) resource limits for kyverno are lifted in response to frequent kyverno pod death https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/toolforge-deploy/-/commit/682256e974c5f17f01c1838bb057de9eefeeb492

16:35 Arturo applies https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/maintain-kubeusers/-/merge_requests/42 which results in an epic (and slow) renaming of many resources. This combined with lifted resource limits on Kyverno allows Kyverno to overload the k8s api server

16:40 Incident opened. Andrew  becomes IC.

16:44 Arturo gets shell access on tool control nodes, removes kyverno policies

16:46 Some recovery (test services load) but API remains unresponsive due to CPU overload

16:50 Taavi resizes k8s control nodes from 4 CPUs to 8 CPUs (tools-k8s-control-[7,8,9])

17:00 Lots of kubelet errors saying ‘node not found,’ services failing to register, all services fail on the registry admission webhook

17:04 taavi fixes the registry webhook (maybe?)

17:09 taavi forces everything onto tools-k8s-control-7 which was working, that results in all nodes recovering

17:13 incident resolved

17:25: maintain-kubeusers re-enabled (but kyverno left turned off for now)


This issue was detected by Arturo -- during ongoing deployment work he noticed that the k8s API had become unresponsive.

Some alerts followed but only after the incident was open and fixes in progress.


What went well?

  • Quick response, good teamwork, relatively quick diagnosis of the issue

What went poorly?

  • An incorrect + undeployed incorrect registry controller config interfered with immediate fixing. It probably should have been deployed immediately after roll-out rather than waiting in place for later discovery.



Incident Engagement ScoreCard
Question Answer


People Were the people responding to this incident sufficiently different than the previous five incidents?
Were the people who responded prepared enough to respond effectively yes
Were fewer than five people paged? yes
Were pages routed to the correct sub-team(s)?
Were pages routed to online (business hours) engineers?  Answer “no” if engineers were paged after business hours.
Process Was the "Incident status" section atop the Google Doc kept up-to-date during the incident?
Was a public wikimediastatus.net entry created?
Is there a phabricator task for the incident? yes
Are the documented action items assigned? yes
Is this incident sufficiently different from earlier incidents so as not to be a repeat occurrence? yes
Tooling To the best of your knowledge was the open task queue free of any tasks that would have prevented this incident? Answer “no” if there are

open tasks that would prevent this incident or make mitigation easier if implemented.

Were the people responding able to communicate effectively during the incident with the existing tooling? yes
Did existing monitoring notify the initial responders? yes
Were the engineering tools that were to be used during the incident, available and in service? yes
Were the steps taken to mitigate guided by an existing runbook?
Total score (count of all “yes” answers above) 9