Incidents/2017-07-21 Train-Wikidata
Several bugs in wikidata (which began with the MediaWiki Train deployment for 1.30.0-wmf.10) resulted in holding back wikidatawiki deployments for multiple weeks. This remained unresolved until 1.30.0-wmf.14 on 2017-08-16.
Multiple related issues:
- 1st: phab:T164173: jobs causing db replag lag
- First reported on April 30th and after some investigation it was eventually closed with the assumption that it was a one-time fluke caused by an api user's activity. This appears to have been a reasonable assumption given the limited information available at the time.
- jcrespo reopened on May 19 saying "This just happened again on s4."
- Krinkle spotted this again on July 21 "This caused an error spike in Logstash:"
- Cache invalidations coming from the JobQueue are causing lag on several wikis
- 2nd: attempt to fix 1 causing phab:T171370
- July 21 Krinkle filed a related task, saying "Started with wmf.10. Presumably caused by"
- ERROR: "LBFactory::getEmptyTransactionTicket: WikiPageUpdater::injectRCRecords does not have outer scope"
- 3rd: attempt to fix 2 causing phab:T172320
- August 2 - mmodell discovered a new error during routine monitoring of the wmf.12 train deployment.
- Error in Wikibase/client/includes/Changes/InjectRCRecordsJob.php line 120: Bad value for parameter $params: $params['change'] not set.
- August 3 - A hot fix was written and deployed, but apparently did not work (unclear, maybe Aude knows)
- A full fix was written and merged into Wikibase master
- As an additional complication, the Wikidata Build had been broken, so changes merged into Wikibase master would not be deployed. See phab:T172616 for one reason the build was delayed.
- The Wikidata build was fixed on August 15 (or so - ask Aude), a wikidata wmf.14 branch was cut including the fix, and got deployed with core wmf.14. This seems to have fixed the issue.
- Wikimedia Release Engineering lacks visibility and understanding necessary for a swift response to release-critical issues in Wikidata.
- For future reference, see How to determine the deployed Wikidata version and How to deploy Wikidata code.
- Wikidata's build process is complex & opaque.
- This adds complexity and delays the deployment of hot-fixes.
- The Wikidata release cadence is out of sync with the MediaWiki Train.
- Compatibility of the Wikidata build with MediaWiki core is ensured only on a snaptshot-by-snapshot basis. There is no way to know whether a wmf6 build of Wikidata is compatible with the wmf5 or wmf7 branch of core.
- This leads to uncertainty and confusion when branching and more importantly, when rolling back a deployment due to errors.
- [Epic] Kill the Wikidata build step: phab:T173818
- Make sure we notice errors in the logs of the beta cluster; for this case specifically, errors related to the Wikidata change notification mechanism.