Incidents/20160525-Toollabs Webservices
An incomplete deploy of the toollabs webservice package caused restarting webservices to not register themselves with the proxy, causing an outage that lasted about 90mins.
- gets merged
- New toollabs-webservice package gets built and deployed on to all the bastions & webgrid nodes.
- Yuvi tests it with a few restarts, is happy, goes away
- Things happening at this point:
- webservice-runner (which is what the gridengine runs) now has a new parameter (--register-proxy) that is *required* to tell it to register with the proxy.
- Grid has jobs running that *do not* have this parameter specified
- This is fine for right then, but as soon as they restart for any reason, they'll use the new webservice-runner script and lose their proxy registration, since the --register-proxy isn't passed
- For unknown reasons, some or all tools are restarted by webservicemonitor
- Puppet's ensure => latest is used for deploying toollabs-webservice package, and puppet is stuck on /public/dumps on tools-services-01, which runs webservicemonitor. So even when webservices get restarted by webservicemonitor, they do not get the --register-proxy flag since it's still the old version of the code on tools-service-01 but new version on the gridengine nodes.
- the qmod -rj run on all webservice nodes exaggerates this problem, since it continues to run them without the --register-proxy parameter, causing them to not register
- Yuvi updates package on tools-services-01, and deletes all webservice jobs. This causes webservicemonitor to bring them back up by launching new jobs, which do have the --register-proxy flag
- Tools webservice infrastructure has a number of moving parts that are kinda fragile. The port assignment + proxy registration is particularly so
- Debian packages + ensure => latest in puppet do not make for a 'deployment system'
- Puppet staleness / errors should be looked at with more frequency on the tools project
- Switch to an actual deployment system for toollabs-webservice bug T136168
- Enable email nags for tools puppet failures bug T136167
- Reduce probability of unrelated NFS failures causing puppet / other issues ( and others)
- Better paging for tools webservices being down (Volunteer noticed: T136162)