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From Wikitech

image-suggestion is a service that provides read-only access to the Data Gateway Service. It is a relatively simple HTTP service running in Kubernetes. It was created by the Platform Engineering Team. The code lives in Gerrit. The task for setting it up was T304891.

It is not to be confused with its predecessor, the image-suggestions-api service, which serves a one-off dataset. The task for providing a similar public API for live data is T306349.


The Helm chart used by the image-suggestion service is based on the cassandra-http-gateway chart. This chart is a generic chart to allow for the configuration of various services that will offer HTTP interfaces to data stored in Cassandra and is service independent for the most part. The image-suggestion service pods use Helmfile configuration to specify the relevant service-specific bits of configuration.

The service connects to Cassandra using a dedicated user configured in puppet.

Access to the service is managed via the Kubernetes ingress.


Deployment of the service uses the standard Helm/Kubernetes process. A lightweight healthcheck is available at /healthz.

API docs

See mw:Platform_Engineering_Team/Data_Value_Stream/Data_Gateway#Image_Suggestions


See Image-suggestion/Runbook

See also