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From Wikitech

GitLab is monitored by Prometheus and Icinga.

Metrics and dashboards

Metrics of GitLab instances are collected by Prometheus.[1] Multiple Grafana dashboards can be found in the folder GitLab.

Currently the following exporters are enabled:

Exporter Port Path
nginx 8060 /metrics
redis 9121 /metrics
postgresql 9187 /metrics
gitlab-workhorse 9229 /metrics
rails 8083 /metrics
sidekiq 8082 /metrics
gitlab-server 9168 /metrics
gitlay 9236 /metrics
wmf_gitlab_exporter 9196 /

Related Task: T275170 and T354656

The wmf_gitlab_exporter is a custom exporter written in Python. The code can be found here: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/sre/gitlab-exporter. The exporter exposes metrics for special alerting and auditing use-cases mostly for the collaboration services team.


Alerting happens with multiple Icinga and Prometheus blackbox checks. See the overview page. We mostly rely on the checks which come from the basic vm setup (like filesystem checks, puppet check). Additionally the public facing endpoints of production GitLab are checked as well[2]:

Host check
gitlab.wikimedia.org https and cert check
gitlab.wikimedia.org ssh check for git ssh daemon

Individual GitLab components (like Postgresql or Redis) are not monitored currently.

There are additional alerts configured in Prometheus Alertmanager, see https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/alerts/+/refs/heads/master/team-sre/gitlab.yaml and all GitLab/Runbook.

In the future when individual GitLab components are separated adapting the existing upstream alerts is recommended.

  1. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/707860
  2. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/708530