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From Wikitech

This is a How-To guide on how to deal with installation and removal of Flow on the Wikis.

Installing Flow on a wiki

Do not do this. Flow is not eligible for deployment to more wikis.

Uninstalling Flow from a wiki

  • Ensure that all Flow boards are either transwikied or exported to wikitext (with ConvertToText) and deleted.
  • Remove the wiki from flow.dblist (e.g. like this).
  • Delete all pages in the Topic namespace:
    • Add $wgExtraNamespaces[2600] = 'Topic'; to the config (only locally on the deployment machine, don't sync this)
    • Add $wgContentHandlers["flow-board"] = $wgContentHandlers["wikitext"]; to the config (only locally on the deployment machine, don't sync this)
    • Run SELECT CONCAT('Topic:', page_title) AS page_title FROM page WHERE page_namespace=2600; and put the list of pages in a file
    • Run mwscript deleteBatch.php --wiki=<dbname;ie: eswiki> -u='<your_sysadmin_username>' -r='Uninstalling Flow' list-of-topic-pages.txt
    • Remove the added config.

Known problems

  • task T188812: Summary of known problems on uninstalling Flow on a wiki where it has been used at least one time.