Dumps/Software dependencies
< Dumps
Software dependencies for running the dumps
(Incomplete list)
Note that on WMF production hosts, this is handled by a base install and by puppet.
The pile of python and C code used to manage these XML dumps needs the following:
- python 3.5 or better
- python3-yaml
- php7 with bzip2 and gzip streams enabled
- php7-mysql, php-xml, php-mbstring, any php extensions MediaWiki needs
- functional base MediaWiki installation, including maintenance scripts
- ActiveAbstract MW extension
- Flow MW extension if you have Flow content in your wikis
- mwbzutils (C utilities for manipulating bz2/gz-compressed MW xml files, in wikimedia repo)
- mysqldump
- curl (for api-based dumps jobs)
- p7zip installed, 7za in path of user running the dumps
- bzip2, lbzip2, gzip and supporting libraries