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Data Platform/Systems/Wikistats 2/Smoke Testing

From Wikitech

If you're adding a new feature or performing a big change on the UI's, you should run some smoke tests manually. We generally don't automate tests directly on the rendering of the UI, except for very basic integration tests, so here's a list of actions to ensure that the site is working correctly. Not all of them have to be run, only the ones that are pertinent to your change.

  1. Switch areas by using the top navigation bar. Come back to the dashboard by clicking on the Wikimedia Statistics header.
  2. Toggle between "All wikis" and a specific wiki. Check that the wiki-specific metrics (like Unique Devices or Edited Pages) lock/unlock.
  3. Search for a question in the Topic Selector and access that metric.
  4. Download the data using the download button
  5. Check all metric types:
    1. Timeseries - Bar
      1. Activate a breakdown, you should see more bars with different colors and a legend.
      2. Check that the Y and X axes make sense
      3. Use the time range selector, check that granularities change
      4. Check that the numbers at the bottom of the chart make sense
    2. Timeseries - Line
      1. Hover over line to see values
      2. Make sure there's a line following your cursor at the graph
      3. Activate a breakdown and check that there are several lines with different colors and the legend reports several values.
      4. Check that the Y and X axes make sense
      5. Use the time range selector, check that granularities change
      6. Check that the numbers at the bottom of the chart make sense
    3. Top - Table
      1. Make sure you can load more rows
    4. Top - Map
      1. Hover over countries. A tooltip with the value for that country should appear
      2. Zoom in and out. There should be limits to the amount of zoom in both directions
      3. The legend's colors and numbers should reflect the values on the tooltips
  6. Switch between the graphs and their tables. Activated breakdowns should show in the table.
  7. Load more rows in the table chart using the button at the bottom
  8. Change the wiki on the wikiselector on the left
  9. Switch metrics on the buttons of the sidebar