Civicrm tables
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.
These are the tables used by CiviCRM 2:
- civicrm_acl - access control list, list of different permissions (unused?)
- civicrm_acl_cache - cache of permissions assigned to contacts (unused?)
- civicrm_acl_entity_role - assign permissions to a group or contact (unused?)
- civicrm_activity* - activities associated with or assigned to contacts (emails, meetings, etc.)
- civicrm_activity_assignment* - bridge table to associate activities with contacts
- civicrm_activity_target* - bridge table to assign activities to contacts
- civicrm_address* - address of a contact
- civicrm_cache - temporary menu items, contact lists, etc.
- civicrm_case - cases for case management (CiviCase component, unused)
- civicrm_case_activity - bridge table to associate a case with an activity (CiviCase component, unused)
- civicrm_case_contact - bridge table to associate a case with a contact (CiviCase component, unused)
- civicrm_component - CiviCRM components (CiviReport, CiviEvent, etc.)
- civicrm_contact* - contact records (name, demographic information, etc.)
- civicrm_contribution* - contribution records (date, amount, contact id, etc.) (CiviContribute component)
- civicrm_contribution_page - online contribution pages (CiviContribute component, unused)
- civicrm_contribution_product - (CiviContribute component, unused)
- civicrm_contribution_recur - recurring contributions (CiviContribute component, unused)
- civicrm_contribution_soft* - soft contributions (CiviContribute component)
- civicrm_contribution_type - types of contributions (CiviContribute component)
- civicrm_contribution_widget - settings for contribution widgets (CiviContribute component, unused)
- civicrm_country - countries and associated codes
- civicrm_county - counties (we only have 6, not sure what this is used for)
- civicrm_currency - currency types
- civicrm_custom_field - custom form fields (language for example)
- civicrm_custom_group - groups for custom fields
- civicrm_dedupe_rule - rules for deduping
- civicrm_dedupe_rule_group - groups for dedupe rules (Individual/Fuzzy, Organization/Strict, etc.)
- civicrm_discount - event early bird discounts (CiviEvent component, unused)
- civicrm_domain - site installation config info
- civicrm_email* - email addresses for contacts
- civicrm_entity_file - associate files with entities (we use only for activities)
- civicrm_entity_tag* - bridge table to associate tags with contacts
- civicrm_event - events (CiviEvent component?, unused)
- civicrm_file - files stored as BLOBs
- civicrm_financial_trxn - financial transactions (unused)
- civicrm_grant - grants (unused)
- civicrm_group - contact groups (office staff, vendors, admins, etc.)
- civicrm_group_contact* - bridge table associating contacts with groups
- civicrm_group_contact_cache* - cache of contact-group associations
- civicrm_group_nesting - assign child groups to parent groups (unused)
- civicrm_group_organization - bridge table associating organizations with groups (unused)
- civicrm_im* - instant messaging handles
- civicrm_import_job_... - imports
- civicrm_line_item - associate a line item (item, quality, price) with an entity (unused)
- civicrm_location_type - location types (Home, Work, etc.) (only one of each per contact)
- civicrm_loc_block - let's you associate a location (address, email, phone, etc.) with something other than a contact
- civicrm_log* - log of modifications and who made them
- civicrm_mailing** - emails created in CiviCRM (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern - email bounce error codes (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_bounce_type - types for bounce error codes (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_component - reusable email templates (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_bounce - log of bounce events (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_confirm - log of email subscription confirmations (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_delivered - log of email deliveries (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_forward - log of email forwards (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_opened - log of email openings (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_queue* - queue for email events (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_reply - log of email replies (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe* - log of subscription events (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open - log of opening trackable urls from emails (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe - log of email unsubscriptions (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_group - mailing groups (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_job - log of email sending jobs (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_spool - temporary spool of email jobs (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mailing_trackable_url - trackable URLs for emails (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mail_settings - installation settings for CiviMail (CiviMail component)
- civicrm_mapping - saved import/export mapping sets
- civicrm_mapping_field - specific field mappings for saved sets
- civicrm_membership - memberships in organization by contact (CiviMember component, unused)
- civicrm_membership_block - let's you associate membership with something other than a contact (CiviMember component, unused)
- civicrm_membership_log - log of membership events (CiviMember component, unused)
- civicrm_membership_payment - bridge table for membership payments (CiviMember component, unused)
- civicrm_membership_status - possible membership statuses (new, expired, etc.) (CiviMember component)
- civicrm_membership_type - membership types (fees, duration, renewal, etc.) (CiviMember component, unused)
- civicrm_menu - custom menus
- civicrm_msg_template - mass email templates (CiviMail component?)
- civicrm_note* - notes associated with entities (usually contacts)
- civicrm_openid* - openIDs associated with contacts
- civicrm_openid_associations -Â ? (unused)
- civicrm_openid_nonces -Â ? (unused)
- civicrm_option_group - configurable option groups
- civicrm_option_values - values for option groups
- civicrm_participant* - event participants (CiviEvent component?, unused)
- civicrm_participant_payment - contributions for event participation (CiviEvent component?, unused)
- civicrm_payment_processor - payment processors (unused)
- civicrm_payment_processor_type - payment processor types (PayPal Express, Google Checkout, etc.)
- civicrm_pcp* - personal campaign pages (currently unused, but might be useful for chapters)
- civicrm_pcp_block - allows you to associate a personal campaign page with something other than a contact (unused)
- civicrm_phone* - phone numbers associated with contacts
- civicrm_pledge* - pledges by contacts (unused)
- civicrm_pledge_block - allows you to associate a pledge with something other than a contact (unused)
- civicrm_pledge_payment - contributions paid towards a pledge (unused)
- civicrm_preferences - sitewide installation preferences
- civicrm_preferences_date - date format preferences
- civicrm_premiums - premiums information (unused)
- civicrm_premiums_product - bridge table associating premiums with products (unused)
- civicrm_price_field - price fields that can be associated with a set (unused)
- civicrm_price_set - sets of price fields (unused)
- civicrm_price_set_entity - bridge table associating price sets with entities (unused)
- civicrm_product - information for a product (unused)
- civicrm_project - projects (unused)
- civicrm_relationship* - relationships between contacts
- civicrm_relationship_types - types of relationships (child, spouse, etc.)
- civicrm_report_instance - saved reports (CiviReport component)
- civicrm_saved_search - saved searches
- civicrm_state_province - states and associated codes
- civicrm_subscription_history - log of contacts being added or removed from groups
- civicrm_tag - possible tags for contacts (needs review, major donor, etc.) (associated by civicrm_entity_tag)
- civicrm_task - tasks (unused)
- civicrm_task_status - the status of tasks (unused)
- civicrm_tell_friend - tell a friend messages (unused)
- civicrm_timezone - associate time zones with countries (unused)
- civicrm_uf_field - fields for user framework forms
- civicrm_uf_group - user framework forms
- civicrm_uf_join - join fields for user framework forms
- civicrm_uf_match* - user framework associations
- civicrm_uf_match_backup* - backup of user framework associations
- civicrm_value_1_check_number_9 - Gift Information custom fieldset (check number, currency, etc. associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_communication_4* - Communication custom fieldset (invalid info associated with contact or organization)
- civicrm_value_1_currency_3 - Thank you custom fieldset (thank you messages associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_gift_data_7 - Gift Data custom fieldset (fund, campaign, etc. associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_language - Language custom fieldset (languages associated with contact or organization)
- civicrm_value_1_note_11 - Donor comment custom fieldset (comments associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_primary_contact_name_9*? - deprecated?
- civicrm_value_1_prospect_5 - Prospect custom fieldset (donor prospect information associated with contact or organization)
- civicrm_value_1_soft_credit_data_8 - Soft Credit Data custom fieldset (soft credit info associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_solicitation_6 - Solicitor custom fieldset (solicitor level associated with relationships)
- civicrm_value_1_stock_information_10 - Stock Information custom fieldset (stock donations associated with contributions)
- civicrm_value_1_assistant_15* - Assistant custom fieldset (assistant contact info associated with contact)
- civicrm_value_1_organization_contact_14 - Organization contact custom fieldset (contact info associated with organization)
- civicrm_worldregion - regions of the world (Americas, Asia-Pacific, etc.)
- public_reporting* - reporting info for contributions (name, amount, etc.)
* = related to contacts