Category:CC-BY-SA-3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.0
Pages in category "CC-BY-SA-3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.0"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "CC-BY-SA-3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.0"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 203 total.
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20160705-CI-overload-due-to-labs-and-recover.png 400 × 180; 19 KB
2017-02-01-Db1043-30min.png 1,440 × 900; 172 KB
20220908 1532-1538-api appserver-latency.png 1,644 × 1,280; 367 KB
20220908 1532-1538-appserver latency.png 1,644 × 1,280; 267 KB
60 preds powerlaw log.png 1,800 × 4,320; 441 KB
60 preds powerlaw.png 1,800 × 4,320; 419 KB
Analytics coordinator hive.png 960 × 540; 92 KB
Anonymization circadian continent.png 870 × 537; 17 KB
Anonymization circadian country anim.gif 634 × 392; 111 KB
Anonymization data loss per dimension.png 910 × 562; 19 KB
Api-catalog-definition-view.png 1,260 × 917; 139 KB
Api-catalog-detail-view.png 1,275 × 861; 125 KB
Api-catalog-list-view.png 1,280 × 981; 249 KB
AQS raid.png 623 × 443; 54 KB
Aqs.png 573 × 483; 38 KB
Catalyst Flask Logo.svg 512 × 585; 5 KB
Cloudgw L2 stage 3 eqiad.png 1,982 × 1,102; 144 KB
Cloudgw new device.png 1,674 × 408; 42 KB
Cloudgw-nat.png 1,634 × 438; 73 KB
Cloudgw-new-cloudgw-device.png 1,394 × 368; 43 KB
Cloudgw-new-cloudsw-device.png 1,394 × 368; 43 KB
Cloudgw-stage 3.png 3,722 × 1,216; 310 KB
Cloudgw-tasks.png 1,582 × 564; 95 KB
Cloudswitf-swift API exposed to cloud realm.drawio.png 1,434 × 1,202; 150 KB
CloudVPS current edge network state.png 2,080 × 682; 101 KB
Continous-development-seq.png 2,368 × 2,343; 66 KB
Cross-realm-traffic-guidelines-case 4 cloud-dedicated physical network.drawio.png 1,434 × 1,202; 216 KB
Cross-realm-traffic-guidelines-case 4 wikiland.drawio.png 1,434 × 1,202; 270 KB
Daily uniques devices quality analysis.png 600 × 371; 34 KB
Data Engineering logo.png 1,230 × 210; 6 KB
Dbeaver connection.png 722 × 609; 26 KB
Dbeaver network.png 722 × 609; 29 KB
Desc item dist.png 1,440 × 504; 19 KB
Discovery Metrics Dashboard.png 1,232 × 658; 163 KB
Distinct predicates per scholarly article.png 432 × 288; 16 KB
Distributed tracing data flow.png 2,701 × 3,840; 305 KB
Distribution diff of ORES per subgraph.png 1,440 × 2,880; 178 KB
Dumps 2.0 strawman for discussion.png 854 × 604; 61 KB
EditGroups screenshot.png 1,148 × 755; 104 KB
En prophet pageviews.png 537 × 359; 51 KB
Enable trove root.png 1,381 × 455; 65 KB
EtcdConfig performance C15.png 1,000 × 600; 24 KB
EventLogging.png 3,231 × 1,788; 532 KB
EventStreamsEditChart.gif 480 × 272; 1.56 MB
Fingerprinting stats.png 600 × 371; 16 KB
Fr prophet pageviews.png 548 × 374; 54 KB
Ggplot iris.svg 654 × 368; 102 KB
Global uniques-variation analysis.png 800 × 500; 64 KB
Horizon Cinder Screenshot.png 2,634 × 1,003; 182 KB
Horizon Floating IPs tab.png 784 × 294; 54 KB
Host uniques-variation analysis.png 800 × 600; 118 KB
Human instance count 20k.gif 700 × 400; 2.73 MB
Human instance count all.png 600 × 400; 32 KB
Human pred count all log.png 432 × 288; 18 KB
Human pred count.gif 700 × 400; 798 KB
Human qtype 100.png 432 × 288; 17 KB
Human qtype all.png 432 × 288; 13 KB
Human qtype vs ua.png 432 × 288; 12 KB
Human time class.png 928 × 352; 31 KB
Human ua query class percent limy15.png 1,080 × 432; 24 KB
Human uri count all log.png 432 × 288; 16 KB
Human uri count.gif 700 × 400; 1.55 MB
Icinga-unacked-services-crit.png 525 × 181; 28 KB
Icinga-unhandled-alerts.png 752 × 150; 28 KB
Imp ua dist censored.png 1,440 × 1,440; 95 KB
Infrastructure overview.png 1,053 × 1,261; 245 KB
Irc-rcstream-sequence.svg 950 × 456; 11 KB
Joal.jpg 1,474 × 1,048; 446 KB
Labels dist.png 576 × 432; 25 KB
Labs dns mixed.png 1,210 × 935; 182 KB
LunchTime Screenshot.png 1,710 × 1,416; 393 KB
Lvs state.png 208 × 251; 15 KB
Maps @ PI@2x.png 8,806 × 3,130; 971 KB
Modern Event Platform Architecture Diagram.jpeg 1,630 × 1,306; 261 KB
Mw1268-disk-utilization-week-Screenshot at 2021-01-27 15-27-13.png 905 × 317; 32 KB
Mw1268-mw1267-response-time-30days-Screenshot at 2021-01-27 15-42-20.png 1,235 × 827; 110 KB
Mw1268-mw1267-response-time-week-Screenshot at 2021-01-27 15-40-25.png 1,210 × 442; 62 KB
Mw1268-tcp-errors-week-Screenshot at 2021-01-27 15-22-09.png 901 × 308; 36 KB
Mw1403-mw1405-response-time-6hours-Screenshot at 2021-01-27 15-46-50.png 1,233 × 804; 84 KB
Neutron BGP.png 1,346 × 1,482; 130 KB
Neutron-multirow.png 2,204 × 1,624; 254 KB
New service IP flow chart.png 341 × 719; 77 KB
NFS-idea 2.png 2,262 × 1,222; 186 KB
NFS-idea 3.png 2,282 × 1,162; 170 KB
NFS-idea 4.png 1,984 × 1,164; 180 KB
NFS-idea 6(1).png 2,270 × 1,232; 187 KB
NFS.png 2,282 × 1,142; 168 KB
Number of groups vs number of items log.png 720 × 432; 25 KB
Number of groups vs number of items.png 720 × 432; 16 KB
NumQuery vs numSubgraph.png 1,440 × 432; 18 KB
Ondemand-synthetic-testing.png 1,636 × 864; 151 KB
ORES incident 20170426.png 1,238 × 773; 166 KB
ORES model prediction of WD QItems.png 504 × 360; 11 KB
ORES model versiosn of WD QItems.png 432 × 360; 9 KB
ORES scores of WD QItems.png 864 × 360; 14 KB
Paws-activity.png 1,897 × 620; 92 KB
Paws-admin-button.png 611 × 190; 13 KB
Perc pred usage.png 864 × 360; 11 KB
PlayingBass.jpg 500 × 500; 96 KB
Pontoon demo graphite buster.ogv 0.0 s; 62.85 MB
Pred count.png 864 × 540; 43 KB
Prod cloud bridging-isolation layer 2.png 1,434 × 1,202; 152 KB
Prod cloud bridging.png 1,434 × 1,202; 110 KB
Puppet-diagram.png 820 × 735; 48 KB
Puppetdb-diagram.png 650 × 384; 25 KB
PuTTY showing login.png 456 × 435; 23 KB
PuTTY showing login.png 456 × 435; 23 KB
Puttydemo.png 479 × 471; 25 KB
Puttydemo2.png 452 × 442; 23 KB
Query time dist all queries.png 389 × 334; 15 KB
Query vs query type 8ua.png 1,440 × 576; 57 KB
Related triples per scholarly article.png 432 × 288; 13 KB
RESTBase Cassandra cluster disposition.svg 1,978 × 370; 33 KB
Sa literal dist.png 1,296 × 360; 21 KB
SA NonSA authors.png 742 × 542; 137 KB
Sa predicate count dist wo outliers.png 504 × 288; 14 KB
Sa predicate dist.png 720 × 360; 14 KB
Sa URI dist.png 1,296 × 360; 20 KB
Scholarly articles count tree.png 2,913 × 3,284; 829 KB
Scholarly articles example.png 1,339 × 1,682; 224 KB
Scholarly articles growth.png 1,072 × 352; 26 KB
Scholarly articles tree.png 1,727 × 1,212; 319 KB
Search Update Pipeline Multi DC.svg 512 × 339; 349 KB
Solo vs with others subgraph top 30.png 1,805 × 2,868; 330 KB
Subgraph boxplot.png 1,800 × 1,080; 64 KB
Subgraph distribution percents.png 1,080 × 360; 16 KB
Subgraph distribution triples.png 1,080 × 360; 18 KB
Subgraph pair dist.png 1,080 × 288; 19 KB
Subgraph pair heatmap.png 864 × 864; 685 KB
Subgraph pair predicate.png 720 × 720; 25 KB
Subgraph pred dist 2.png 720 × 360; 13 KB
Subgraph pred dist.png 720 × 360; 12 KB
Subgraph ua hist.png 3,600 × 2,880; 281 KB
Synthetic-performance-monitoring-setup.png 1,737 × 1,137; 80 KB
Taxon instance count all log.png 432 × 288; 12 KB
Taxon instance count.gif 700 × 400; 1.15 MB
Taxon pred count all log.png 432 × 288; 15 KB
Taxon pred count.gif 700 × 400; 638 KB
Taxon qtype 40.png 400 × 293; 17 KB
Taxon qtype all.png 400 × 293; 13 KB
Taxon qtype vs ua.png 389 × 293; 11 KB
Taxon query vs query type 8ua.png 1,431 × 568; 47 KB
Taxon time class.png 928 × 352; 31 KB
Taxon top 10 qtype qtime.png 1,432 × 779; 72 KB
Taxon ua query class percent log.png 1,072 × 424; 37 KB
Taxon ua query class percent.png 1,072 × 424; 36 KB
Taxon uri count all log except4largest.png 423 × 280; 15 KB
Taxon uri count all log.png 432 × 288; 14 KB
Taxon venn.png 1,214 × 812; 142 KB
TimeGroupWise numSubgraphAccessed.png 1,062 × 1,062; 58 KB
Tool disable process.png 1,671 × 1,411; 151 KB
Tool restore process.png 1,671 × 930; 144 KB
Toolforge jobs-ingress.png 1,690 × 504; 134 KB
Toolforge legacy redirect.png 1,374 × 654; 74 KB
Toolforge system overview.svg 512 × 288; 178 KB
Top 20 qtype qtime.png 1,440 × 1,440; 131 KB
Top 50 query time class.png 1,458 × 3,319; 301 KB
Top 50 subgraph distribution percents.png 936 × 504; 46 KB
Top 50 subgraph distribution triples.png 936 × 504; 46 KB
Top 50 time class dist diffs.png 1,458 × 3,319; 251 KB
Top2UA per-subgraph.png 1,440 × 720; 84 KB
TopUA and total query time log.png 1,080 × 504; 34 KB
TopUA and total query time.png 1,080 × 504; 32 KB
TopUA query time.png 1,440 × 504; 38 KB
Trove db access.png 1,600 × 851; 211 KB
Trove root access.png 2,229 × 567; 120 KB
Ua lessthan1k dist.png 720 × 432; 15 KB
Ua vs subgraph.png 720 × 432; 18 KB
Uniques per domain-variation analysis.png 800 × 500; 89 KB
Uniques project wide-variation analysis.png 800 × 500; 61 KB
Uniques trend May to September.png 2,394 × 934; 161 KB
Uniques with fingerprint.png 2,514 × 894; 152 KB
Various subset time classes.png 1,216 × 709; 69 KB
Vertical qcount.png 504 × 432; 18 KB
Vertical qtime class log.png 1,008 × 432; 26 KB
Vertical qtime.png 504 × 432; 18 KB
Vertical total qtime class.png 720 × 432; 18 KB
Vertical total qtime qcount.png 576 × 432; 15 KB
Wdqs representative query clean noPII.pdf 2,133 × 10,075; 375 KB
Wdqs-components.png 1,177 × 615; 50 KB
Wikidata Json dump size in Gb over time.png 724 × 441; 15 KB
Wikidata triples.jpg 1,063 × 566; 48 KB
WikidataAnalysis General.pdf 2,133 × 154,127; 488 KB
WikidataAnalysis LabelsId.pdf 914 × 30,000; 596 KB
WikiMedia recent changes DDP API.png 1,356 × 758; 155 KB
Wikimedia-cluster.svg 1,168 × 1,224; 34 KB
Wikireplicas.png 2,524 × 772; 178 KB
Wikistats 2 Backend.png 526 × 788; 87 KB
WMCS eqiad1 network topology.png 1,982 × 1,804; 156 KB