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From Wikitech
  • Progress made towards achieving the metric:
    • exploration on storing and rotating logs of the Catalyst control plane
    • work on porting Patchdemo environment provisioning scripts to the Catalyst wikimedia Helm chart
    • work on streaming logs from catalyst containers
  • Are we on track to achieve the KR metric this FY?
    • Yes
  • What is the confidence level?
    • As confident as a kid looking for Sour Skittles in a candy store (8/10)
  • Any unresolved or new blockers, dependencies or risks.
    • we are hoping to use Observability's experimental ELK cluster for logs, so that we don't have to host our own ELK stack. We're waiting to hear back on their decisions if they'll support us
    • we'll need to use SSO for the new Catalyst backed patchdemo, but our core engineers don't have experience
      • we're hoping to work with our principal engineer for guidance
  • Any new hypotheses that are emerging for that KR
    • no
  • Progress update and new learnings for each hypothesis in the KR, as well as the lifecycle stage of each hypothesis.
    • technical learnings
      • log streaming over the kubernetes golang api
      • log rotation in Kubernetes
      • custom data persistence in k3s, so we can put it on external volumes
    • product learnings
      • Observability maintains an experiment ELK cluster that we may be able to use for logs instead of rolling our own
      • Abstract Wikipedia is actively looking to us to enable deploying and testing their patches
    • lifecycle
      • we are still "pre-production" for the Catalyst API/patchdemo
      • we have a go-live in sights with an issue tracking all of the MVP tasks to be completed before go-live