Add transit provider

From Wikitech

Checklist when adding a new transit provider to a site. Based on the most recent experience.

Preparation work

  • Justification/business case (eg. SRE/business case/Network - 4th transit for drmrs)
  • Procurement task (eg. task T314929)
  • Provider selection (criteria will vary depending on needs)
    • Diversity (circuit, router, linecard, X-connect if applicable)
    • cost
    • capacity/connectivity (Eg. Caida rank, Netflow data)
    • DDoS mitigation
    • Deployment timeframe
    • Jumbo MTU (if applicable)
    • etc

Implementation (once PO signed)

  1. Create circuit in Netbox (with available information, with status provisioning, update Netbox as more info arrives)
  2. Assign router port by adding a planned Netbox cable between the circuit and the disabled interface (+run homer)
  3. Communicate configuration info to provider (eg. AS, prefixes, MTU)
  4. Once LOA received, create X-connect task
    1. + purchase optics and spares if needed
    2. Ensure X-connect path diversity if needed
    3. When getting close to the X-connect setup ETA, enable router port in Netbox (add no-mon in description, run Homer) so remote hands can check light
    4. Communicate X-connect ETA/details to provider
  5. Once IP/MTU/etc config received from provider, add them to Netbox (+run Homer)
  6. Once physical path is complete update Netbox (remove no-mon, set patch cable to active, add X-connect details, etc)
  7. Some providers will require a turn up call at this point
  8. Configure BGP sessions, export policies for anycast (eg.
  9. Verify prefixes sent/received, check looking glass for propagation + correct communities
  10. If new peer ASN update the check_bgp Icinga config for correct alerting
  11. Update LibreNMS bills to account for this new provider (site global + contract specific)