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User:JaimeLyn/Wikimedia Labs Toolbox

From Wikitech


Wikimedia Labs Toolbox

Public URL
Proposal on Github
Bugzilla report
Wikitech Mailinglist Archive

Name and contact information

Jaime Lyn Schatz
IRC or IM networks/handle(s)
jlschatz, @edupunkn00b (twitter) and JaimeLynSchatz on Github
Redmond, WA, US
Typical working hours
7am - 3pm (UTC-7/PDT)


Possible mentors


May 18 - May 24: Investigation: follow "Getting Started" pages step-by-step, documenting issues and areas that need clarification or modifying

May 25 - May 31: Provided week 1 goes well, a stretch goal is to then go through the directions again on a Windows machine

June 1 - June 7: Finish with Windows machine, prepare a Vagrant Box to be shared through GitHub.

June 8 - June 14: Put together a step-by-step map w/ page links and note where expansions of material are needed

June 15 - June 21: Create a specific contributions needed list and post (?in a discussion page?) Each item on the list will include links to Bugzilla, source code on Gerrit or GitHub (or?)

June 22 - June 27: Planned SNAFU-fixing time, Midterm deadline June 27

June 28 - July 5: Start picking items off the list and completing the needed contributions

July 6 - July 12: Continue contributing expansions

July 13 - July 19: Continue contributing expansions

July 20 - July 26: Test drive new guide, prepare changes list based on testing and feedback

July 27 - August 2: Make any needed changes

August 3 - August 10: Make more needed changes

August 11 - August 17: Suggested pencils down, final i-dotting and t-crossing, submit report.

August 18: Final pencils down, make plans for continued contributions and monitoring of contributions wiki list

About you

I am an independent learner, studying software development. I first came across Wikidata while looking into possible projects for the FOSS OPW. This is actually the third time that I've looked into the FOSS OPW. I gave up on my previous attempts due to the difficulty in know where to start. (I also gave up on my sad little Windows computer but for that backstory, see my entries for last October on my blog. ;) ) There are some amazing resources out there to guide people new to Wikidata, but they can be difficult to navigate and I kept finding myself clicking in circles on the site.

I have a BA in Political Science and Economics from the City University of New York, Brooklyn College. I wanted to become a lawyer and change the world. And then I grew up. But the desire to make a big impact never left me. The main tagline of the Wikimedia Foundation, "We believe that knowledge should be free for every human being" sounds like it came straight from my own heart. (From my heart and from Shira's hacktivist mother in "He, She and It".) I want to help make that knowledge free and accessible to all.


GitHub is my homepage on my computer. It's where I stash my code and I'm learning how to use Gists and other features there to be a complete workplace for my open source/learning. I plan to use it for all of my work this summer (in fact I'm using it for this application, as well. Hence the Markdown oddities from time to time. ;) ) I'm also excited at the chance to learn other source/workflow control systems (Gerrit, etc) and will adopt whichever system the group uses.

I'm still a total n00b on irc, but I'm using the tutorials and man pages online to get up to speed. I expect it to be very useful when I have project-specific questions this summer. I'm also a heavy lurker on StackOverflow. I haven't yet been brave enough to actually ask a question there, but I have found lots of great information from searching the archives of questions. I've also done a little editing when grammar issues in questions have made them difficult to parse.

Past open source experience

I'm just getting started in making contributions, but I've helped a bit with documentation for a few educational resources:
JumpStartLabs Curriculum
Git Project from Library Code Year
Ada Developers Academy Lesson Planning Pages

I also participated in a recent Test the Web Forward event where I contributed tests for cross-browser compatibility of the ECMAScript (JavaScript) specification: TC39 Working Group Open Pull Requests from JaimeLynSchatz
Regretably, TC39 is on the fence about IP for the contributions generated at that event. See lawyer note above ;).

Any other info

