
From Wikitech
  1. This is based on Scottywong's script
  2. !/usr/bin/env python
  3. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  1. TO DO:
  2. Improve voteregex to catch unsigned votes
  3. Add CSS classes to table, to make it look nicer, as well as to make green/red background for votes which were correct/incorrect, and for diagonals on
  4. vote matrix
  5. Add query string for start timestamp

import MySQLdb import sys import os import traceback import cgi import urllib import re import datetime import time import htmllib

starttime = time.time() voteregex = re.compile("'{3}?.*?'{3}?.*?(?:(?:\{\{unsigned.*?\}\})|(?:)|(?:\[\[User.*?\]\].*?\(UTC\)))", re.IGNORECASE) #may need to add "{{unsigned" and " as optional terminators to reduce errors due to idiots not signing their votes userregex = re.compile("\[\[User.*?:(.*?)(?:\||(?:\]\]))", re.IGNORECASE) resultregex = re.compile("The result (?:of the debate )?was(?:.*?)(?:'{3}?)(.*?)(?:'{3}?)", re.IGNORECASE) timeregex = re.compile("(\d{2}:\d{2}, .*?) \(UTC\)") timeparseregex = re.compile("\d{2}:\d{2}, (\d{1,2}) ([A-Za-z]*) (\d{4})") timeunparseregex = re.compile("([A-Za-z]*) (\d{1,2}), (\d{4})") timestampparseregex = re.compile("(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})") drvregex = re.compile("(?:(?:\{\{delrev xfd)|(?:\{\{delrevafd)|(?:\{\{delrevxfd))(.*?)\}\}", re.IGNORECASE) drvdateregex = re.compile("\|date=(\d{4} \w*? \d{1,2})", re.IGNORECASE) drvpageregex = re.compile("\|page=(.*?)(?:\||$)", re.IGNORECASE) strikethroughregex = re.compile("<(s|strike|del)>.*?</(s|strike|del)>", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) monthmap = {"01":"January", "02":"February", "03":"March", "04":"April", "05":"May", "06":"June", "07":"July", "08":"August", "09":"September", "10":"October", "11":"November", "12":"December"} username = "" maxsearch = 50 maxlimit = 250 startdate = "" altusername = "" matchstats = [0,0,0] #matches, non-matches, no consensus nomsonly = False

stats = {} statsresults = ["k", "d", "sk", "sd", "m", "r", "t", "u", "nc"] votetypes = ["Keep", "Delete", "Speedy Keep", "Speedy Delete", "Merge", "Redirect", "Transwiki", "Userfy"] statsvotes = statsresults[:-1] for v in statsvotes:

   for r in statsresults:
       stats[v+r] = 0

for v in votetypes:

   stats[v] = 0

tablelist = []

def main():

   global username
   global maxsearch
   global maxlimit
   global startdate
   global altusername
   global nomsonly
   tehdate = ""
       errors = False
       db = MySQLdb.connect(db='enwiki_p', host="", read_default_file=os.path.expanduser("~/.my.cnf"))
       cursor = db.cursor()
       form = cgi.FieldStorage()
       if "name" not in form:
           print "No name entered."
           errors = True
               if "max" in form:
                       maxsearch = min(maxlimit, int(form['max'].value))
                       maxsearch = 50
               if "key" in form:
                   if form['key'].value == "huggadugga":
                       maxsearch = int(form['max'].value)
               if "startdate" in form:
                       tehdate = str(form['startdate'].value)
                       if len(tehdate) != 8 or int(tehdate) < 20000000 or int(tehdate) > 20150000:
                           startdate = " AND rev_timestamp<=" + str(form['startdate'].value) + "235959"
               if "nomsonly" in form:
                   if form['nomsonly'].value.lower() in ['1', 'true', 'yes']:
                       nomsonly = True
               if "altname" in form:
                   altusername = urllib.unquote(form.getvalue('altname'))
               username = form['name'].value.replace("_", " ").replace("+", " ")
               username = urllib.unquote(username)
               username = username[0].capitalize() + username[1:]
               if os.environ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"].startswith(""):
               f = open("/home/snottywong/afdstatslog.txt", "a")
               f.write("<log><ip>" + os.environ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] + "</ip><username>" + username + "</username><max>" + str(maxsearch) + "</max><timestamp>" +"%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") + "</timestamp>" + ("<startdate>" + tehdate + "</startdate>" if startdate else "") + ("<altname>" + altusername + "</altname>" if altusername else "") + ("<nomsonly>true</nomsonly>" if nomsonly else "") + "</log>\n")
               #cursor.execute(u'SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name=%s;', (username))        #<--Stupid
               #userid = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
               #print sys.exc_info()[0]
               #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print "
" print "Username not found." errors = True if not errors: cursor = db.cursor() if nomsonly: cursor.execute(u'SELECT page_title FROM revision JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id WHERE rev_user_text=%s AND page_namespace=4 AND page_title LIKE "Articles_for_deletion%%" AND NOT page_title LIKE "Articles_for_deletion/Log/%%" AND rev_parent_id=0' + startdate + ' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC;', (username)) else: cursor.execute(u'SELECT DISTINCT page_title FROM revision JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id WHERE rev_user_text=%s AND page_namespace=4 AND page_title LIKE "Articles_for_deletion%%" AND NOT page_title LIKE "Articles_for_deletion/Log/%%"' + startdate + ' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC;', (username)) results = cursor.fetchall() #results = tuple(reversed(results)) db.close() print """<!doctype html>

<HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <LINK href="/~snottywong/greyscale.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <LINK href="/~snottywong/menubar3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <TITLE>AfD Stats</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY id="no"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/~snottywong/menubar.js"></script>

<a href="">←New search</a> """

           #print "

Debugging: <XMP>" + username + " " + altusername + "</XMP>

print "

AfD statistics for User:" + username + "

           if len(results) == 0:
               print "No AfD's found.  Try a different date range.  Also, note that if the user's username does not appear in the wikitext of their signature, you may need to specify an alternate name.
\n" else: print "These statistics were compiled by an automated process, and may contain errors or omissions due to the wide variety of styles with which people cast votes at AfD. Any result fields which contain \"UNDETERMINED\" were not able to be parsed, and should be examined manually.\n"
print "

Vote totals

               datestr = ""
               if startdate:
                   tehdate = str(form["startdate"].value)
                   datestr = " from " + tehdate[4:6] + "/" + tehdate[6:8] + "/" + tehdate[:4] + " and earlier"
               print "Total number of unique AfD pages edited by " + username + datestr + ": " + str(len(results)) + "
\n" print "Analyzed the last " + str(min(maxsearch, len(results))) + " votes by this user.
\n" analyze(results[:min(maxsearch, len(results))]) printtable() elapsed = time.time() - starttime
print "

Elapsed time: " + str(round(elapsed, 2)) + " seconds.
           print"%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") + "
" except: print sys.exc_info()[0] print "
" print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print "

Unspecified error.

" pass

def analyze(pages):

   if len(pages) <= 50:
       alldata = APIgetlotsofpages(pages)
       alldata = {}
       for i in range(0, len(pages), 50):
           newdata = APIgetlotsofpages(pages[i:min(i+50, len(pages))])
           alldata = dict(alldata.items() + newdata.items())   
   for entry in pages:
           page = entry[0]
           data = unescape(alldata["Wikipedia:" + page.replace("_", " ")])
           data = strikethroughregex.sub("", data)     #remove all struck-through text, so that it is ignored
           votes = voteregex.findall(data[data.find("=="):])
           result = findresults(data[:max(data.find("=="), data.find("(UTC)"))])
           dupvotes = []
           deletionreviews = findDRV(data[:data.find("==")], page)
           for vote in votes:
                   votermatch = userregex.match(vote[vote.rfind("[[User"):])
                   if votermatch == None:
                       voter =
                   #print "<XMP>" + page + "  " + voter + "  " + altusername + " " + str(altusername.lower()==voter.lower()) + "</XMP>
" if voter.lower() == username.lower() or voter.lower() == altusername.lower(): votetype = parsevote(vote[3:vote.find("'", 3)]) if votetype == None: continue if votetype == "UNDETERMINED": continue timematch = if timematch == None: votetime = "" else: votetime = parsetime( dupvotes.append((page, votetype, votetime, result, 0, deletionreviews)) except: #print sys.exc_info()[0] #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) continue if len(dupvotes) < 1: firsteditor = APIfirsteditor(page) if firsteditor: if firsteditor[0].lower() == username.lower(): #user is nominator tablelist.append((page, "Delete", firsteditor[1], result, 1, deletionreviews)) updatestats("Delete", result) elif len(dupvotes) > 1: #ch = choosevote(dupvotes) - not doing this anymore, just take the last vote found as it is probably the correct one (i.e. if someone changed their vote) ch = len(dupvotes) - 1 tablelist.append(dupvotes[ch]) updatestats(dupvotes[ch][1], dupvotes[ch][3]) else: tablelist.append(dupvotes[0]) updatestats(dupvotes[0][1], dupvotes[0][3]) except: #print sys.exc_info()[0] #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) continue

def parsevote(v):

   v = v.lower()
   if "comment" in v:
       return None
   elif "note" in v:
       return None
   elif "merge" in v:
       return "Merge"
   elif "redirect" in v:
       return "Redirect"
   elif "speedy keep" in v:
       return "Speedy Keep"
   elif "speedy delete" in v:
       return "Speedy Delete"
   elif "keep" in v:
       return "Keep"
   elif "delete" in v:
       return "Delete"
   elif "transwiki" in v:
       return "Transwiki"
   elif ("userfy" in v) or ("userfied" in v) or ("incubat" in v):
       return "Userfy"
       return "UNDETERMINED"

def findresults(thepage):

   resultsearch =
   if resultsearch == None:
       if "The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed deletion of the article below" in thepage or "This page is an archive of the proposed deletion of the article below." in thepage or "This page is no longer live." in thepage:
           return "UNDETERMINED"
           return "Not closed yet"
       result =
       if "no consensus" in result:
           return "No Consensus"
       elif "merge" in result:
           return "Merge"
       elif "redirect" in result:
           return "Redirect"
       elif "speedy keep" in result or "speedily kept" in result or "speedily keep" in result or "snow keep" in result or "snowball keep" in result or "speedy close" in result:
           return "Speedy Keep"
       elif "speedy delete" in result or "speedily deleted" in result or "snow delete" in result or "snowball delete" in result:
           return "Speedy Delete"
       elif "keep" in result:
           return "Keep"
       elif "delete" in result:
           return "Delete"
       elif "transwiki" in result:
           return "Transwiki"
       elif ("userfy" in result) or ("userfied" in result) or ("incubat" in result):
           return "Userfy"
       elif "withdraw" in result:
           return "Speedy Keep"
           return "UNDETERMINED"

def findDRV(thepage, pagename):

       drvs = ""
       drvcounter = 0
       for drv in drvregex.finditer(thepage):
           drvdate =
           if drvdate:
               drvcounter += 1
               name =
               if name:
                   nametext = urllib.quote(
                   nametext = urllib.quote(pagename.replace("Articles_for_deletion/", "", 1))
               drvs += '<a href="' +" ", "_") + '#' + nametext + '">[' + str(drvcounter) + ']</a>'
       return drvs
       #print sys.exc_info()[0]
       #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print "findDRV error" return ""

def parsetime(t):

   tm =
   if tm == None:
       return ""
       return + " " + + ", " +

def updatestats(v, r):

   if v == "Merge":
       vv = "m"
   elif v == "Redirect":
       vv = "r"
   elif v == "Speedy Keep":
       vv = "sk"
   elif v == "Speedy Delete":
       vv = "sd"
   elif v == "Keep":
       vv = "k"
   elif v == "Delete":
       vv = "d"
   elif v == "Transwiki":
       vv = "t"
   elif v == "Userfy":
       vv = "u"
   stats[v] += 1
   if r == "Merge":
       rr = "m"
   elif r == "Redirect":
       rr = "r"
   elif r == "Speedy Keep":
       rr = "sk"
   elif r == "Speedy Delete":
       rr = "sd"
   elif r == "Keep":
       rr = "k"
   elif r == "Delete":
       rr = "d"
   elif r == "Transwiki":
       rr = "t"
   elif r == "Userfy":
       rr = "u"
   elif r == "No Consensus":
       rr = "nc"
   stats[vv+rr] += 1

def match(v, r, drv):

   if r == "No Consensus":
       matchstats[2] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Not closed yet":
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "UNDETERMINED":
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif v == r:
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif v == "Speedy Keep" and r == "Keep":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Speedy Keep" and v == "Keep":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif v == "Speedy Delete" and r == "Delete":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Speedy Delete" and v == "Delete":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Redirect" and v == "Delete":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Delete" and v == "Redirect":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Merge" and v == "Redirect":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
   elif r == "Redirect" and v == "Merge":
       matchstats[0] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''
       matchstats[1] += 1
return '' + r + drv + ''

def matrixmatch(v, r):

   if stats[v+r]:
       if r=="nc":
return ''
       elif v == r:
return ''
       elif v=="sk" and r=="k":
return ''
       elif v=="k" and r=="sk":
return ''
       elif v=="d" and r=="sd":
return ''
       elif v=="sd" and r=="d":
return ''
       elif v=="d" and r=="r":
return ''
       elif v=="r" and r=="d":
return ''
       elif v=="m" and r=="r":
return ''
       elif v=="r" and r=="m":
return ''
return ''
       if r=="nc":
return ''
       elif v == r:
return ''
       elif v=="sk" and r=="k":
return ''
       elif v=="k" and r=="sk":
return ''
       elif v=="d" and r=="sd":
return ''
       elif v=="sd" and r=="d":
return ''
       elif v=="d" and r=="r":
return ''
       elif v=="r" and r=="d":
return ''
       elif v=="m" and r=="r":
return ''
       elif v=="r" and r=="m":
return ''
return ''

def APIget(p):

       u = urllib.urlopen("" + urllib.quote(p) + "&rvprop=content&format=xml")
       xml =
       text ='<rev.*?xml:space="preserve">(.*?)</rev>', xml, re.DOTALL).group(1)
       return text
       #print sys.exc_info()[0]
       #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print "
" return None

def APIgetlotsofpages(rawpagelist):

       p = 
       for page in rawpagelist:
           p += urllib.quote("Wikipedia:" + page[0].replace("_", " ") + "|")
       #u = urllib.urlopen("" + p[:-3])
       u = urllib.urlopen("" + p[:-3])
       xml =
       pagelist = re.findall(r'<page.*?>.*?</page>', xml, re.DOTALL)
       pagedict = {}
       for i in pagelist:
               pagename ='<page.*?title=\"(.*?)\"', i).group(1)
               text ='<rev.*?xml:space="preserve">(.*?)</rev>', i, re.DOTALL).group(1)
               if'<page.*?redirect=\"\".*?>', i):    #AfD page is a redirect
               pagedict[unescape(pagename)] = text
               #print sys.exc_info()[0]
               #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print "
" continue return pagedict except: #print sys.exc_info()[0] #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print "
" return None

def APIfirsteditor(p):

       u = urllib.urlopen("" + urllib.quote(p) + "&rvlimit=1&rvprop=timestamp|user&rvdir=newer&format=xml")
       xml =
       s ="<rev user=\"(?P<user>.*?)\" timestamp=\"(?P<timestamp>.*?)\" />", xml)
       user ="user")
       timestamp ="timestamp"))
       timestamptext = monthmap[] + " " +"0") + ", " +
       return (user, timestamptext)
       #print sys.exc_info()[0]
       #print "
" #print traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return None

def link(p):

   text = cgi.escape(p.replace("_", " ")[22:])
   if len(text) > 64:
       text = text[:61] + "..."
   return '<a href="' + urllib.quote(p) + '">' + text + '</a>'

def unescape(s):

   p = htmllib.HTMLParser(None)
   return p.save_end()

def datefmt(datestr):

       tg =
       if tg == None:
           return ""
       month = [k for k,v in monthmap.items() if][0]
       day =
       year =
       if len(day) == 1:
           day = "0" + day
       return year + month + day
       return ""

def printtable():

   totalvotes = 0
   for i in votetypes:
       totalvotes += stats[i]
   if totalvotes > 0:
print "
    \n" for i in votetypes: print "
  • " + i + " votes: " + str(stats[i]) + " (" + str(round((100.0*stats[i]) / totalvotes, 1)) + "%)
  • " print "

\n" print """

Voting matrix

This table compares the user's votes to the way the AfD eventually closed. The only AfD's included in this matrix are those that have already closed, where both the vote and result could be reliably determined. Results are across the top, and the user's votes down the side. Green cells indicate "matches", meaning that the user's vote matched (or closely resembled) the way the AfD eventually closed, whereas red cells indicate that the vote and the end result did not match.

<thead> """ for i in statsresults: print "" print "" print "</thead>\n<tbody>" print ""
       for vv in statsvotes:
print "\n"
           for rr in statsresults:
print matrixmatch(vv, rr) + str(stats[vv+rr]) + "" print "" print "</tbody>" print "
" + i.upper() + "
" + vv.upper() + "

" print """

Abbreviation key:
K = Keep
D = Delete
SK = Speedy Keep
SD = Speedy Delete
M = Merge
R = Redirect
T = Transwiki
U = Userfy

NC = No Consensus

""" printstr = "

Individual AfD's

       if len(tablelist) > 0 and tablelist[-1][2]:
           printstr += '<a href="' + username.replace(" ", "_") + '&max=' + str(maxsearch) + '&startdate=' + datefmt(tablelist[-1][2]) + '&altname=' + altusername + '">Next ' + str(maxsearch) + " AfD's →</a>
printstr += """
<thead> </thead> <tbody>\n""" for i in tablelist: printstr += "\n" printstr += "\n" printstr += "\n"
           if i[4] == 1:
printstr += "\n"
printstr += "\n"
           printstr += match(i[1], i[3], i[5]) + "\n"
printstr += "\n" printstr += "</tbody>\n
Page Date Vote Result
" + link(i[0]) + "" + i[2] + "" + i[1] + " (Nom)" + i[1] + "

\n" printstr += '

\n<a href="' + username.replace(" ", "_") + '&max=' + str(maxsearch) + '&startdate=' + datefmt(tablelist[-1][2]) + '&altname=' + altusername + '">Next ' + str(maxsearch) + " AfD's →</a>
       if sum(matchstats) > 0:
           print "Number of AfD's where vote matched result (green cells): " + str(matchstats[0]) + " (" + str(round((100.0*matchstats[0]) / sum(matchstats), 1)) + "%)
" print "Number of AfD's where vote didn't match result (red cells): " + str(matchstats[1]) + " (" + str(round((100.0*matchstats[1]) / sum(matchstats), 1)) + "%)
" print "Number of AfD's where result was \"No Consensus\" (yellow cells): " + str(matchstats[2]) + " (" + str(round((100.0*matchstats[2]) / sum(matchstats), 1)) + "%)
\n" print printstr else: print "

No votes found."

main() print 'Bugs, suggestions, questions? Contact the author at <a href="">User talk:Snottywong</a>
' print '<a href="">←New search</a>'

print "
