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(Redirected from Recover dump.py)

recover-dump allows the recovery of a database dump (logical backup) as described on MariaDB/Backups#Recovering_a_logical_backup:

usage: recover-dump [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--threads THREADS]
                       [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--socket SOCKET]
                       [--database DATABASE] [--replicate]

Recover a logical backup

positional arguments:
  section              Section name or absolute path of the directory to
                       recover("s3", "/srv/backups/archive/dump.s3.2022-11-12

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --host HOST          Host to recover to
  --port PORT          Port to recover to
  --threads THREADS    Maximum number of threads to use for recovery
  --user USER          User to connect for recovery
  --password PASSWORD  Password to recover
  --socket SOCKET      Socket to recover to
  --database DATABASE  Only recover this database
  --replicate          Enable binlog on import, for imports to a master that
                       have to be replicated (but makes load slower).By
                       default, binlog writes are disabled.