(Redirected from Lvsmon)
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.
lvsmon was a background script written in PHP to monitor status of apaches and configure an LVS pool accordingly. This has been obsoleted by PyBal.
# vim: syn=php
# Configuration
$delay = 5;
$vip = "";
$testUrl = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/health-check.php";
$timeout = 20;
$minHosts = 10;
$apachesFile = file( '/home/config/others/usr/local/dsh/node_groups/apaches' );
if ( !$apachesFile ) {
die( "Could not open apache node list\n" );
`ipvsadm -C`;
`ipvsadm -A -t $vip:80`;
$apaches = array();
$names = array();
foreach ( $apachesFile as $line ) {
$line = trim( $line );
if ( $line != '' && $line{0} != '#' ) {
$ip = gethostbyname( $line );
if ( $ip ) {
$apaches[] = $ip;
$names[$ip] = $line;
`ipvsadm -a -t $vip:80 -r $ip`;
} else {
print "Warning, host not found: $line\n";
$minHosts = count( $apaches ) * 0.4;
$downList = array();
print "Monitoring " . count( $apaches ) . " hosts\n";
# Fast scan to start off
foreach ( $apaches as $apache ) {
$name = $names[$apache];
print "Checking $name...";
$down = isDown( $apache, 2 );
if ( $down ) {
if ( count($apaches) - count($downList) > $minHosts ) {
print " down\n";
`ipvsadm -d -t $vip:80 -r $apache`;
$downList[$apache] = true;
} else {
print "Too many hosts down, leaving {$names[$apache]} in rotation\n";
} else {
print "\n";
# Now do a continuous slow scan
while ( 1 ) {
foreach ( $apaches as $apache ) {
$name = $names[$apache];
print "Checking $name...";
$down = isDown( $apache, $timeout );
$wasDown = !empty( $downList[$apache] );
if ( !$down && $wasDown ) {
print " up\n";
`ipvsadm -a -t $vip:80 -r $apache`;
unset( $downList[$apache] );
} elseif ( $down && !$wasDown ) {
if ( count($apaches) - count($downList) > $minHosts ) {
print " down\n";
`ipvsadm -d -t $vip:80 -r $apache`;
$downList[$apache] = true;
} else {
print "Too many hosts down, leaving {$names[$apache]} in rotation\n";
} else {
print "\n";
function isDown( $apache, $timeout ) {
global $testUrl, $minHosts, $names;
$c = curl_init( $testUrl );
curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout );
curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_PROXY, "$apache:80" );
curl_exec( $c );
$text = ob_get_contents();
curl_close( $c );
if ( $text ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;