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From Wikitech
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What's included here

This is a list of service hostnames in wikimedia.org which have HTTP[S] and are not terminated by our standard Traffic infrastructure (which enforces HTTPS-related things consistently for all). These are all services which have their own one-off direct public-facing server hosts, or are hosted by a 3rd party, usually for some valid reason or other. They have to be audited and taken care of individually, and are the most-difficult case for our HTTPS standardization efforts.

This list specifically excludes:

  • Domains other than wikimedia.org (e.g. wmflabs.org)
  • Anything terminated by our standardized Traffic cache clusters (known-good)
  • Hostnames with no HTTP or HTTPS listeners
  • Hosts which are servers rather than services, for which we can verify the mapping and audit the corresponding service hostname(s)
    • (e.g. silver.wikimedia.org would otherwise be in this list, but it's not a service hostname, it was just the host for wikitech.wikimedia.org service hostname which is in this list)
  • A few other special cases which aren't meant to be functionally-consumed as valid HTTP(S) services (e.g. Tor relay, RIPE Atlas nodes, etc)

List of wikimedia.org one-off domains' HTTPS support status

domain http https SSL Labs Last Audit SSLLabs Status Info/Issues (red row if big problems)
apt.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Can't redirect, might break old software
archiva.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
blog.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ 3rd party, supports 3DES
civicrm.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising
civicrm.frdev.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising Dev
dumps.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
frdata.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising
fundraising.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising
gerrit.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
gerrit-slave.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
icinga.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
librenms.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
lists.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
mirrors.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Can't redirect, might break old software
netbox.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
payments.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising
payments-listener.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising
policy.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ 3rd party, supports 3DES
reports.frdev.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Fundraising Dev
store.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A 3rd party - Insufficient HSTS task T128559
tendril.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+
wikitech-static.wikimedia.org http https ssllabs 2018-05-15 A+ Externally hosted, but managed by us

Audit method

Hostname list last audited for new entries ~2018-05-15

The list of hostnames in the left column above was generated semi-manually with a fairly awful process for filtering out exceptions that don't matter, etc. The rest of the columns are manually audited. The code paste below contains the commands used to generate hostname lists from the wikimedia.org zonefile and how they're processed. It's not ideal, but at least it's recorded for future improvement or automation...

### Documenting an imperfect and somewhat-manual audit of non-GeoIP (cache cluster) HTTP[S]-responding hostnames from wikimedia.org zonefile:

# Generate a broad hostlist for wikimedia.org from the zonefile in our DNS repo:
cat templates/wikimedia.org |egrep -w 'A|AAAA|CNAME'|grep -v '^ '|grep -v ' 10\.'|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq >hlist

# Run them all through curl for exitcodes about connecting to http:// + https://
(for hn in `cat hlist`; do hnf="${hn}.wikimedia.org"; curl -m 2.0 -Iv https://${hnf} >/dev/null 2>&1; https=$?; curl -m 2.0 -Iv http://${hnf} >/dev/null 2>&1; http=$?; echo === $hn https:$https http:$http; done) > curlres

# Filter out hostnames with status 6|7|28 for both ports (basic connect fail/timeout, or DNS CNAME into .eqiad.wmnet...) - remainder need some kind of audit check
egrep -v ' https:(6|7|28) http:(6|7|28)$' curlres >curlres-toaudit

# Those with exitcode zero for https have working public certs, these need a full normal audit (e.g. ssllabs):
grep https:0 curlres-toaudit | awk '{print $2".wikimedia.org"}' >audit-auto

# The opposite set will *mostly* be HTTPS cert mismatches for a server hostname which hosts a service listed in audit-auto but listens on the any-address.  We're ok with these for now, so we'll try to filter out all such easy cases in order to leave behind a minimal list that needs manual investigation...
for h in $(grep -v https:0 curlres-toaudit | cut -d" " -f2); do cn=$(curl -vI https://${h}.wikimedia.org/ 2>&1 |grep CN= | sed -n -e 's/^.*CN=//p'); grep -q "^$cn\$" audit-auto || echo ${h}.wikimedia.org; done >audit-manual

# Now you have two files to investigate, but may want to manually filter them a little for cases that are obvious:

# audit-manual ---
# ^ should have names that need manual investigation. Depending on the case, you may want to list them in audit data.
# Known hostnames appearing in this file that can be safely ignored at last check:
# frdev-eqiad.wikimedia.org - can be ignored (wildcard issue puts it in this list, but shouldn't be)
# google<hexdigits>.wikimedia.org - google site verification crap, not ours, ok to ignore
# ripe-atlas-codfw.wikimedia.org - RIPE Atlas, ok to ignore
# ripe-atlas-eqiad.wikimedia.org - RIPE Atlas, ok to ignore
# ripe-atlas-ulsfo.wikimedia.org - RIPE Atlas, ok to ignore
# tor-eqiad-1.wikimedia.org - Tor relay stuff. not legit, ok to ignore
# radium.wikimedia.org - Tor relay stuff. not legit, ok to ignore
# install2002.wikimedia.org - backup apt.wikimedia.org server, invalid LE cert until manual switchover, ok to ignore
# ms1001.wikimedia.org - apparently similar to above: backup dumps.wikimedia.org server (to dataset1001), invalid LE cert until manual switchover, ok to ignore

# audit-auto ---
# ^ should have names that need to be listed and audited via ssllabs or some such, and go into the audit list on wikitech.  cp1008.wikimedia.org may need manual removal from this list (corner-case server issue, covered by "pinkunicorn").