(Redirected from Bugzilla.wikimedia.org/Upgrade-notes-3.6.0-to-4.0)
Wikimedia Bugzilla Upgrade from 3.6.0 to 4.0
Note: This was tested on http://project2.wikimedia.org/bugzilla4 with the following software
- Ubuntu 8.04.4
- Mysql 5.0.51a
- Apache2
- Perl v5.8.8
Back up the database and the data directory in case anything goes wrong
- Download and extract Bugzilla 4.0 .
- Make the following Apache config changes
- Copy the following from the old Bugzilla installation
- localconfig
- data/
- Checkout svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/bugzilla/bugzilla-4.0/skins/contrib/Wikimedia into skins/contrib/Wikimedia
- Checkout svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/bugzilla/bugzilla-4.0/template/en/custom into template/en/custom
- Checkout svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/bugzilla/bugzilla-4.0/extensions/Wikimedia into extensions/Wikimedia
- Checkout svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/bugzilla/bugzilla-4.0/extensions/WeeklyReport into extensions/WeeklyReport
- ln -s extensions/WeeklyReport/component-report.cgi component-report.cgi
- ln -s extensions/WeeklyReport/weekly-bug-summary.cgi weekly-bug-summary.cgi
- Run (this is where the database migration will happen so be sure you are ready):
- perl checksetup.pl
After this Bugzilla should be up and running with the classic skin
- Now change the following settings:
- Administration->Default Preferences->Bugzilla's general appearance (skin) = Wikimedia
- Administration->Default Preferences->Position of the Additional Comments box = After other comments