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From Wikitech

WANCache✌️global:SqlBlobStore-blob:<wiki>:<content address>

When you have issues with a key from SqlBlobStore-blob it is possible to figure out which page this key is for, but the process takes a while.

You will want to run these queries on the analytics DB replicas to avoid impacting production.

addshore@stat1007:~$ analytics-mysql enwiki
mysql:research@dbstore1003.eqiad.wmnet [enwiki]> select * from content where content_address = "tt:963546992";
| content_id | content_size | content_sha1                    | content_model | content_address |
|  943285896 |       186750 | 17ti8zx1nn1o0u381j04ctr9nfjwvis |             3 | tt:963546992    |
1 row in set (14 min 34.84 sec)
mysql:research@dbstore1003.eqiad.wmnet [enwiki]> select * from slots where slot_content_id = 943285896;
| slot_revision_id | slot_role_id | slot_content_id | slot_origin |
|        951705319 |            1 |       943285896 |   951705319 |
1 row in set (7 min 26.09 sec)

Then you can navigate to the revision id https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=951705319