To get started, make a copy of this page, named after your service, as a subpage of SLO. (For example, "SLO/Foobaroid".) Also open the instructions, which guide you in more detail through the steps outlined here. Answer the questions in your new copy, removing all the yellow text, in mark tags, as you go. (Save early and often.)
Status: draft (Replace with "approved" when the SLO is complete, agreed on by all responsible teams, and subject to quarterly reporting. This is the final step. You can still update the SLO afterward, with all teams' agreement.)
What is the service?
Who are the responsible teams?
Environmental dependencies
Where does the service run?
Service dependencies
What are the hard and soft dependencies?
Who are the service's clients?
Request Classes
What are the request classes, and how is a request classified? If your service has only one request class, delete this section.
Service Level Indicators (SLIs)
What are the service level indicators? Copy a selection from the instructions, filling in the blanks.
How is the service monitored?
How complex is the service to troubleshoot?
How is the service deployed?
Service Level Objectives
Realistic targets
What are the realistic targets for each SLI? Why?
Ideal targets
What are the ideal targets for each SLI? Why?
Reconcile the realistic vs. ideal targets, documenting any decisions made along the way.
Once the SLO is final, consider collapsing the above three sections.
What are the agreed-upon SLOs, for each SLI and each request class?