Nova Resource:Webtools/Documentation

From Wikitech



Obsolete: Test project to provide an environment for web-based tools to help Wikimedia projects.

This project is deprecated! Please use Tools instead.

The webtools project is currently in the design phase.


I propose a login instance where users have sudo rights. I guess the webtools-bastion host has that role but it it is down with an error status. Brainstorm for the instance list:

Login server wher users can edit, debug, and deploy their tools. Tools reside in
/data/project/web/name and they can be accessed at
first apache webserver. Multiple servers could be set up and balanced either through simple DNS round-robin or a load balancer. These changes can be implemented transparently to users and developers later.
MySQL database server for the webtools project
A node.js platform. Accessible at Bouncy will be deployed to route the subdomains (set up wildcard domain * to ports in the 8xxx range. Ports and subdomain names will be distributed to interested users and added to the bouncy config by an admin. It might be necessary to enforce the correct port numbers for each user using a slayer demon.

Also see