This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.
- Non production CiviCRM instance for public policy and Philippe
- Apache+PHP
- Drupal: Version 6.20
- CiviCRM: Version 3.4beta1
- singer - web frontend (SSL)
- db9 - db backend
- Current databases are 'drupal' for the drupal installation and 'contacts' for the civicrm installation. Any database names with "dev_" are serving the dev.civi site
- Can our staff run search queries, input data and run reports during normal business hours
- strace apache process
- turn on extra debugging within php
- turn on civi debug mode
- Only vertically scalable for now. Have to get beefier hardware.
Quick Rebuild
- Pray
- Copy over the tar file of the site and the database dumps from tridge under /data/civicrm
- Pray these are up to date, as they are manual copies, not automated.
- Restore the database dumps, then restore the site frontend. You will need to modify the config files to point from srv10 to whatever server is running the database.
- CiviCRM depends on the civicrm and contacts databases that live on db9
Since it's a drupal based module programmed in php running under apache, all that's required is to restart apache.
sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -k graceful
Typical Problems
- Long running queries
- Kill on DB side
Check tridge
Escalation Path
- This is a non production db so there is no official support. In case of problem please contact any of the EPM's and we'll figure out how we can help.
- CiviCRM core homepage
- Wikimedia CiviCRM
- Wikimedia SVN copy
- Mail cron is in /etc/cron.d/drupal