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Kubernetes/Service ports

From Wikitech
(Redirected from Service ports)

In general, new services should reserve TLS ports in the 4000-5000 port range. Old services will be moved over that range as soon as practically possible.

Service ports

Port Service
4001 mathoid
4002 cxserver
4003 citoid
4004 termbox
4005 linkrecommendation
4006 linkrecommendation-external
4007 rdf-streaming-updater
4008 shellbox
4009 image-suggestion
4010 shellbox-constraints
4011 toolhub
4012 shellbox-timeline
4014 shellbox-syntaxhighlight
4015 shellbox-media
4016 developer-portal
4017 machinetranslation
4030 proton / chromium-render
4080 shellbox-video
4101 wikifeeds
4102 mobileapps
4104 push-notifications
4105 tegola-vector-tiles
4106 Maps/Kartotherian
4110 similarusers
4111 miscweb
4112 thumbor (k8s)
4113 rest-gateway
4200 xhgui
4250 iPoid
4392 eventgate-logging-external
4442 mcrouter (ds)
4444 mw-debug
4446 mw-api-int
4447 mw-api-ext
4448 mw-jobrunner
4449 mw-videoscaling
4450 mw-web
4451 mw-wikifunctions
4452 mw-parsoid
4453-4490 reserved for MediaWiki
4492 eventgate-main
4592 eventgate-analytics
4666 blubberoid
4667 calculator-service
4692 eventgate-analytics-external
4737 apertium
4892 eventstreams
4632 recommendation-api
4969 zotero
4971 function-orchestrator
4972 device-analytics
4992 eventstreams-internal
7200 changeprop-jobqueue
7272 changeprop
8081 sessionstore
8082 echostore
8087 api-gateway
8800 thumbor (temporary)
9632 recommendation-api (legacy)
34192 eventgate-main (legacy)
35192 eventgate-analytics (legacy)

Infrastructure services

Services considered part of the underlying infrastructure may derive from the above standard to stand out

Port Service
30012 Istio Ingressgateway (tcp-istiod; not open, just blocked)
30021 Istio Ingressgateway (status-port; not open, just blocked)
30080 Istio Ingressgateway (HTTP)
30443 Istio Ingressgateway (HTTPS)
31443 Istio Ingressgateway (TLS, SNI)