Rename a wiki
This is mostly a draft. It also only covers domain renames, DBA made clear that db renames won't happen.
TODO: Refactor this page to three parts - what to do to prepare; what to do at the execution (deployment); what to do after deployment (including testing.)
This page deals with moving a wiki from one domain to another.
- Deal with site language rename if relevant (i.e. probably not for a special wiki)
- Make sure that Names.php, Messages*.php and */i18n/*.json in core have the new names and codes.
- Make sure that langdb.yaml in UniversalLanguageSelector has new names and codes and redirects from the old names. (For als -> gsw there's also an extra redirection in UniversalLanguageSelector, so remove it when needed.)
- Add new wiki domain to DNS zone (operations/dns.git)
- Update operations/puppet.git
- Update/add apache config (operations/puppet.git modules/mediawiki/files/apache/sites) to send new domain to MediaWiki ( subdomains etc. Normal project domains should already be covered by a wildcard)
- Add new domain to RESTbase config (operations/puppet.git modules/restbase/templates/config.yaml.erb)
- MediaWiki config (operations/mediawiki-config.git) to make new domain work as an alias:
- Map new wiki domain to database name (multiversion/MWMultiVersion.php, setSiteInfoForWiki function)
- If the database suffix was not 'wiki', the site code will not be 'wikipedia' so make sure that gets changed too (see as an example)
- If moving a wiki from the wrong ISO code, also move the wgLanguageCode entry in wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php up
- Map new wiki domain to database name (multiversion/MWMultiVersion.php, setSiteInfoForWiki function)
- You may have to purge some pages from Varnish (action=purge or SquidUpdate::purge) if they were used for testing the domain name before the mediawiki-config change went through, before you start seeing sane redirect behaviour for the new domain.
- If WikimediaMaintenance's dumpInterwiki script had an alias in reverse of the rename, remove it like 236929, deploy commit and run updateinterwikicache on the deployment master host
- TODO: Populate sites table (cache?) from wikidata (see task T111822)
- Change MediaWiki config again to set wgServer/wgCanonicalServer to new domain
- If renaming a special site you may wish to deal with wgSiteName, wgMetaNamespace, etc. at this point
- Changing namespace names requires an alias for the old name.
- If renaming a special site you may wish to deal with wgSiteName, wgMetaNamespace, etc. at this point
- Update copy of the site matrix at mediawiki/services/parsoid.git lib/sitematrix.json so that v2+ APIs works on the new domain (v1 used database names) like 236831
- Update MassMessage delivery lists on meta to use the new domain (see task T111895)
- Another operations/puppet.git update
- Add entry redirecting from old domain to new domain to operations/puppet.git modules/mediawiki/files/apache/sites/redirects/redirects.dat, run refreshDomainRedirects and submit result to gerrit
Remove old domain from RESTBase config- TODO: Work out with RESTBase devs what should actually happen. Note that currently /api/rest_v1/ on our domains does not follow Apache redirects.
- ContentTranslation:
- Remove the unnecessary redirection from SiteMapper - the ContentTranslationDomainCodeMapping global variable in extension.json. (like 236795)
- After the migration, test that publishing to the new domain language works. (e.g. task T111818)
- After the migration, test that loading a source article from the new domain works. (e.g. task T111850)
- After the migration, test that link and category adaptation work (e.g. task T112285)
- Eliminate existing interwiki links that point to the old domain, and make sure that href points to the new domain
- For language-projects this is likely to be via dumpInterwiki.php in WikimediaMaintenance (like task T111853)
- For special wikis it's likely to be at Interwiki map
- Test that the langlinks API query works. (like task T112426)
- If needed, rename the relevant messages and message keys in the following message files:
- WikimediaMessages/i18n/wikimediaprojectnames
- WikimediaMessages/i18n/interwikisearchresults
- If needed, update $MassMessageWikiAliases with a map from the old to the new domain so that delivery lists keep working.